SMU’s Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) will host its second Showcase of the year Jan. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center Theater.
The event will feature the council’s three sororities, Kappa Delta Chi, Sigma Lambda Gamma, and Sigma Phi Omega, as well as its two fraternities, Omega Delta Phi and Sigma Lambda Beta. Alpha Psi Lambda, an inactive group planning on returning to SMU, will also be in attendance.

Showcase aims to introduce the groups though song, dance and other performances. It also marks the start of the organizations’ recruitment periods, officially beginning Jan. 30.
Steven Johnson, assistant director of Multicultural Student Affairs, explained that the event opens people up to the diversity that exists in greek life.
“Even if you’re not interested in joining MGC, I think it’s an amazing experience to see the different cultures that are mixed and blended into the fraternity and sorority system,” Johnson said.
Showcase is free for SMU students and $5 for non-students. Food and drinks will be provided after the event.