Sexual assault prevention group “Not On My Campus” set up a visual display on the SMU campus’s Dallas Hall Lawn Feb. 11 entitled “One Cup Too Many,” using red blue and red solo cups to represent the number of undergraduate students who have been statistically affected by sexual violence on the SMU campus.
According to research, one in four women and one in 16 men in college will be sexually assaulted. This is equal to 812 women and 200 men on SMU’s campus.
“We hope that through this event, students are reminded of how serious this issue is,” said Not On My Campus founder and senior Elliott Bouillon. “We need to continue the conversation about how to make a safer campus.”
The “One Cup Too Many” display used red cups to represent female students and blue cups to represent male students. The display also included an information about sexual assault on college campuses for pedestrians to read. The board included statistics, stating that 95 percent of campus sexual assaults go unreported and that 80 percent of sexual assault victims will know their abuser.
“This event really draws the attention of college students to how real sexual assault is and how the amount of people affected by it either directly or indirectly is far too high,” said junior and Fraternities Chair of Not On My Campus Meghan Scott. “I’m hoping that people react in a way that facilitates active participation in ending the silence around sexual assault and seeking ways to get involved.”
With cups set up in a square by the fountain on the Dallas Hall Lawn, students and faculty walking to class were invited to look at the display. Many stopped to see the visual representation of SMU students affected by sexual violence, as well as talk to Not On My Campus representatives.

“It really puts it into perspective to see the amount of cups representing the lives of students affected on campus,” junior Sarah Smith said.
Others were shocked by the amount of SMU students that would be affected by sexual assault.
“There are way too many cups,” sophomore Kelsey Rushing said. “Especially for a campus that has resources to make it safer.”
The display by Not On My Campus is a part of the “#LoveisSMU” initiative, sponsored by the Office of Violence Prevention, which asks students, faculty and staff to answer the question: “What is Love at SMU?”
Other upcoming events include “The Vagina Monologues,” produced by Women’s Interest Network Feb. 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center Theatre, as well as the Office of Violence Prevention and Health Education’s presentation of “When Does Love Cross the Line: Understanding Stalking” in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center Portico BCD at 12:30 p.m.
The “One Cup Too Many” event remained on the Dallas Hall Lawn from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. SMU’s Not On My Campus plans to host other events throughout the school year to bring awareness about sexual violence, such as social media campaigns and speaking to fraternities, sororities and other student groups.
“I hope that from the ‘One Cup Too Many’ event, students will become aware of this growing problem and become advocates against sexual assault,” said Finance Chair of Not On My Campus Matt Banas. “Wherever they may be.”