Yea! or Neigh!
Yea to “Do-not-call”:Today is the last day telephone customers can sign up on the Texas “do-not-call” list, which blocks telemarketers from calling customers at home. More than 270,000 customers have signed up since Jan. 1. Subsequent lists will be updated every three months. Visit http://www.texasnocall.com/ for details on how to join.
Neigh to John Wayne Bobbitt’s remarriage: Bobbitt married Joanna Ferrell, 31, during a recent ceremony on the Las Vegas Strip. But if Bobbitt’s first marriage was so bad that his wife was forced to “dis-member” him, what makes him think he can pull it off this time? LetÃs just hope he won’t have to make a repeat appearance on The Howard Stern Show.