The Homeland Security Department urged Americans Wednesday to purchase duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal windows and doors in the event of a terrorist attack.
Because what equates to human Saran Wrap is all the protection Americans need from biological warfare, right?
If protecting ourselves from airborne terrorist attacks was as easy as encasing ourselves in plastic, why all the fuss? Nevermind the possibility of radiation exposure. Surely the HSD realizes their suggestion does nothing more than make them look ridiculous?
Regardless whether actual merit exists in the plastic/duct tape defense plan, the HSD doesn’t even address the issue of circulating fresh air into these ‘safe rooms.’ Establishing a ‘safe room’ is about as ridiculous as demanding children take cover under school desks in case of a nuclear attack. Some HSD suggestions, such as purchasing a battery-run radio and storing extra food and supplies, seem somewhat rational. But creating a ‘safe room?”
Half a decade after the height of the Cold War, the American government is once again asking us to take absurd precautions to ensure our safety. Just as we laugh at the ‘duck and cover’ tactics of the 1950s, surely we will find the ‘plastic sheeting and duct tape’ tactic little more than laughable 20 years down the road.
Even worse, the Bush administration has yet to train police and fire fighters on how to respond to a terrorist attack as promised. There is little improvement in seaport security or National Guard training, and the federal government has yet to release a terrorist watch list.
Instead, the HSD has thrown their support behind a defense system that can be purchased at your local hardware store.
Th Editorial Board suggests this whole ‘do it yourself’ defense plan is little more than a propaganda scheme designed to frighten Americans into championing a war the administration is just now realizing doesn’t have the full support of the people. Instead of securing a ‘safe room,’ secure yourself a voice in the democratic process we are apparently so adamant about protecting, and let the government know exactly where they can stick that duct tape.