Anti-anti war protestors
Dear Daily Campus:
Thank you for covering all sides of an issue. The anti-war coverage that has been in nearly every paper for the past two weeks is ridiculous. I’ve also noticed that anti-war sentiments are placed on the front page while real news in the form of United Nations sanctions and United States intelligence on Iraq is confined to the back page.
However, it’s still somewhat easy for readers to muddle their way through these ramblings. But, Scott Moses editorial eclipsed all other articles on the manure scale. Sure Ailea Sneller rides her bike and someone else has a problem with the jets we use, but Moses feels that if you support the war you ought to be fighting in it. Where does my mom sign up?
Support does not mean that you have to take immediate action. If someone supports AIDS awareness I wouldn’t expect them to infect themselves with the virus, and men can be pro-choice although they cannot bear children.
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, both instrumental in the construction of the Declaration of Independence, never fought in the Revolutionary War. Neither did Franklin Roosevelt, who wouldn’t have been given the opportunity due to his partial paralysis from polio, yet he led our country through World War II.
So, thanks Daily Campus for printing such biased info and thanks Moses for proving that no anti-war protester has a leg to stand on or even a plausible solution to the war with Iraq. Keep walking around or marching with your picket or whatever it is you do and let people who have or will die for a cause they truly believe in rest in peace.
Clark Castle
Dear Editor:
With my draft card snug in my wallet, I proceeded to read Scott Moses article “Coach or private first class.” With the continuing talk of war in Iraq, the thought of being drafted and of actually having to fight continues to weigh on my mind.
So after getting through the first half of Moses article – which had nothing to do with what he apparently wanted to say – I was disheartened to find that Moses was alleging that I was “not educated” and a “hypocrite.” His statement that war supporters are “liars” if they don’t take action was condescending.
While I, and I’m sure many of my other peers struggle with the possibility of war, Moses has already judged us on our patriotic views. He also seems to forget that he never would have had the opportunity to write this column had many young men similar to ourselves not died for this country.
I am a supporter of President Bush. I remember his State of the Union address shortly after Sept. 11 where he said that “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.” I simply wonder where Moses stands, with me or against me?
Ryan Trimble
Sophomore CCPA major