The weather is getting warmer and the clothes are gettingskimpier at SMU.
More skin is being shown and for most students the winterweather has not been kind to their glowing complexions.
Because of the dreaded farmers tan, many girls avoid shortshorts and for guys no sleeveless shirts.
The solution for many is found at a tanning salon.
About 20 minutes a day 3 times per week will get your averageSMU co-ed from pasty to tasty in a short number of weeks.
When breached about the subject last week, Diana Quach, juniorbusiness major remarked, “What could be sexier than a healthygolden tan?”
Unfortunately for most of us, the words tan and healthy go aboutas well together as good and Gigli.
Tans are unhealthy.
For people over the age of 40, tanning more than two times aweek increases ones chances of melanoma, a deadly form of skincancer, more than 40 percent than somebody who doesn’ttan.
For those over 30, the chances increase to 60 percent.
And the worst news of all, the chances of melanoma increase to80 percent for those tanning under the age of 30.
The number of skin cancer cases has been rising over the years,and experts say that this is due to increased exposure to UVradiation from the sun, tanning beds and sun lamps.
More than 1.3 million new skin cancer cases are likely to bediagnosed in the U.S. this year according to the American Academyof Dermatology.
But the tanning does not have to completely stop.
The key to healthy tanning, is tanning in moderation.
“Try to limit yourself to about one or two times a week,continuously. Don’t start and stop, it’s easier on yourskin,” Jessica Rose of Park Cities Tan said. Most people getin trouble when they start tanning everyday, and that’s whenthe dreaded sunspots, or moles appear on the skin. Other effects ofconstant tanning include problem skin, wrinkles, and prematureaging.
In some cases tanning is a must.
“I have to tan, the UV rays help with my psoriasisbreakouts,” 18-year-old tanner Tina Hoang said.
Psoriasis is a chronic, genetic, noncontiguous skin disorderthat appears in many different forms and can affect any part of thebody.
When it’s a matter of using your perks not health reasonsit’s another story for one student.
“It’s one of the only things we get for free,”cheerleader Joel Gregory said.
SMU cheerleaders have the opportunity to tan for free and withthat incentive Gregory started tanning.
“I’m not too worried about tanning because Ihaven’t done it all my life, and I don’t plan on doingit forever. You get just as much UV rays from the sun, and you canget cancer just as easily from second hand smoke,” Gregory, asophomore accounting major said.
For those of us who either don’t have the funds availablefor a tanning salon membership, or just plain don’t believein them, spray on tanning is the way to go.
Various establishments, from local pharmacies to supermarkets,have been selling these “miracle” sprays and lotionsfor years.
The advantage to this method is that one can mimic the effectsof a natural tan, without as much risk to health or money.
Unfortunately, the effects are about as short lived as NickCarter’s solo career, not to mention the ridiculously brightorange glow.
Clothes are turned the same orange color. Unless one wants tochange their whole wardrobe to an orangey motif, most would suggestotherwise.
Another safe approach to the perfect complexion is a new FDAapproved airbrush tanning.
Airbrush tanning is a process of customized coloration. Whichmeans big bucks to get the golden glow of Beyonce Knowles, the real”Gold Member.”
For around $30 per session, a technician manually sprays acustomized tan to match your skin type.
“Similar to sunless tanning products but it can be sprayedon,” said Trigger Tan Salon and Spa owner StephanieJordan.
The primary solution used is dihydroxyacetone with addedvitamins and aloe for moisturizing your skin while providing abronzing color.
The airbrushing last for approximately five to seven days and isavailable for skin of all types.
“I’m really pale and my skin is really sensitive, sousing airbrush tanning gives me the personalized tanning that Ihave always wanted,” Becky Trevino, a first-year business andCCPA major, said.
While laying out one sunny afternoon in Dallas, RachelO’Bier, junior business major said, “Tanning makeseverything look better…clothes, skin, face.” But forthose students who believe looks coincide with the so-called primeof their lives, perhaps this is something they should all lookinto.