Ralph Nader did not instill passion against the evils ofcorruption in politics at his press conference Thursday. Instead headded a voice that does not offer another choice.
The former Green Party presidential candidate said he has alwaysbeen an independent and does not have ties to any party. Hebelieves that the Democrats and Republicans both seem to have thesame agendas.
However this is not the case, there are two parties: those thatwould like to keep Bush and those who oppose him.
Nader should join one rather than adding an insignificant middleground. That does not prevent him from supporting another party onspecific issues. In fact, he encourages Democrats to use his ideas.So why doesn’t he actually take it one step further and workwith them to accomplish something?
Nader said he likes Dennis Kucinich out of all the Democraticnominees.
Why not join his campaign?
Kucinich has not been a great success in politics because thehorserace is based on image. Nader could push his 6 percent fromthe 2000 race and support Kucinich and the Democratic Party.
He argued that the Democrats would not allow him to join theirdebates if he was a candidate in their party. If he supported andworked with Kucinich, he would be able to have a voice amongst theDemocrats.
Nader says his campaign is focused on helping more voices becomemore choices. The stronger voice among Democrats, Independents andeven some Republicans is to remove George W. Bush from office atall costs. Anyone who gets in the way is eliminated from theNovember race.
Even though he claims he is fighting against the incumbent, ithas been shown in the past that the majority of Nader’ssupporters are Democrats rather than Republicans. Most Republicansnow are either strong supporters of Bush or strongly opposed tohim. Thus, Bush’s followers will continue to support him, andhis opponents will choose the Democratic candidate in order toremove him from office.
Nader’s bid for 6 percent of the vote can only gain votesfrom Democrats who believe that they have no chance anyway.
Free speech and the right to debate are very important,especially when it comes to politics. This consumer advocate is notusing these rights for the greater good but instead for his ownagenda.
He’s wasting his time, he’s wasting our time and,most importantly, he’s wasting the vote of hissupporters.