Hanson has the wrong idea
Dear Editor:
The Spaniards did not elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero underfear as implied in Swede Hanson’s column on Tuesday. Ninetypercent of them were opposed to the Iraq war right from thebeginning. Aznar’s lying to the Spanish population after theMadrid bombings was the final nail in his coffin.
To be more specific, Aznar tried to put the blame for thebombings on ETA even though all the evidence pointed towardsAl-Qaida so that his party could get re-elected.
The new Spanish prime minister has further said that he’snot against the “war on terror” but against maintainingtroops in Iraq.
There is a huge difference between the two and the sooner theAmerican people realize this the better.
Madankumar Neelakantan
SMU Class of 2003