Ed Pachecano and Chris Moll didn’t lose their SMU schoolspirit when they graduated — they joined the Mustang ClubYoung Alumni instead.
The group raises support and funding for SMU athletics andprovides social and professional opportunities for its young alumnimembers. It is not to be confused with the Young AlumniAssociation, which Pachecano said focuses on the overall well-beingof SMU graduates.
Mustang Club Young Alumni has morphed from a mere idea to morethan 100 members in two years, said Pachecano, who graduated in2000 and is the chairman of the young alumni committee.
“Our focus has been adding benefits for youngalumni,” said Moll, a 2002 graduate and the event chairmanfor the Mustang Club leadership committee.
Moll has been involved with the Mustang Club Leadership LectureSeries, which started Wednesday night and featured Gerald J.Ford.
The series is just one of the benefits Mustang Club Young Alumnioffers, allowing SMU graduates to meet well-known”movers-and-shakers” as well as other successful youngalumni.
“It’s a great way to network,” Moll said.
Wednesday night’s event was open to young alumni andgraduating seniors. Other lectures throughout the series willrequire membership, but every April the lecture will be an occasionto attract interested students.
Another social event the group sponsors is tailgating at everyhome football game. The food, drinks and televisions, in additionto thousands of fellow SMU fans, make for what Pachecano describedas an “outstanding pre-game experience.”
“We’re the best one on The Boulevard,” hesaid.
Mustang Club Young Alumni also offers members discounted seasontickets and group seating to continue the community experienceafter the preliminary festivities.
“The goal is to put butts in seats,” Moll said.
Membership entails a minimum $25 gift, but alumni can beinvolved on a variety of levels. Pachecano said they understand thefinancial demands on young adults.
“[Young alumni] don’t have a lot of money, andthey’re really savvy about how they spend their money,”Pachecano said.
Moll and Pachecano both agreed that the Mustang Club and theathletic department have been “remarkable” in theirsupport for the recent graduates. The attitude is “ask us todo something, and we’ll do it,” Pachecano said.
The Mustang Club Young Alumni seeks to start getting seniorsinterested and involved before they graduate.
The idea may resonate less with students who are still in theirelement at SMU, but alumni appreciate the opportunity to maintaincontact and meet new people out in the real world, Moll andPachecano said.
“We want to draw people in,” Moll said.
For more information, contact the Mustang Club at (214) 768-2582or follow the Young Alumni link on the SMU Athletics Web site,www.smumustangs.com.