Senior Chi Omega Kelsey Curran dances at the Pi Kappa Alpha tent during Saturday’s boulevard festivities. For many seniors, Saturday was the last boulevard of their undergraduate careers. (Sidney Hollingsworth/The Daily Campus)
Saturday’s Boulevard was a memorable one for many seniors.
Though there is one more home game, the majority of the student body will be home for Thanksgiving when SMU takes on Rice.
“It was more of a celebration than something to be sad about,” senior Ricky Townsend said. “I was ecstatic the whole day — from the food to the band to the student section to Peruna.”
Many seniors said that they have been Boulevarding with the same friends since freshman year, which made Saturday’s experience that much more sentimental.
“It was sad, but mostly fun,” Christie Long said. “Being with friends I’ve had these past four years made it a Boulevard I’ll never forget.”
Townsend agreed.
“I pregamed with my closest friends that I Boulevarded with over the past four years,” he said.
Regarded as one of the best traditions at SMU, many seniors are already planning trips back to Dallas next year.
“I’m definitely coming back as an alum,” Troy Volkel said.
However, they will face a new challenge as alums tackling the Boulevard: which tent to go to.
“It’s weird to think of where I will be hanging out,” Daly Hite said. “I have no idea if I will go the alumni tent route or hang out at the Kappa tent or any of the other student tents.”
Volkel’s solving that problem by visiting them all.
“I’ll hit up my fraternity tent, the Cox tent and the Sig Ep alum tent,” he said. “It’ll will be a cool and new experience.”
Despite Saturday’s loss against Navy, many seniors still had a blast.
“It would’ve been nice if we won,” Scott Faulkner said. “It was a really fun Boulevard though — I think everyone wanted to make this one special.”