The horrors of yesterday’s Boston marathon bombing will not be easy to forget. As of 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the count of injuries in Boston is nearing 200 and three people have lost their lives due to the actions of one psychotic individual.
Martin Richard, an 8-year-old child from Dorchester, Mass. will never have a chance to visit a baseball game, or go to college like the majority of people on the here do.
Thanks to maybe a few crazed individuals, this innocent child, who was running back to his mother and sister seconds after hugging his racing father near the finish line, was one of the deceased.
America always seems to be the great target for the enraged, the mad, and the sycophants looking to appease some higher-level castoff.
Unfortunately for this case, the evidence seems to point in no immediate direction. The bomber could have been a native just as likely as they could’ve been an angry foreigner.
What happens from here? Will marathons or any other public event from this point forward, become something similar to airports and the TSA, swarmed in security? Are Americans supposed to live scared of simply going to a sporting event and having the scene from “The Sum of All Fears” play out in real life?
Absolutely not.
A lonely splotch on the face of God’s green earth earned his 15 minutes of fame Monday afternoon when they set off those bombs, but let there be no mistake: whoever they are, they will answer for this.
This great nation has never been in the habit of letting terrorist acts run idly by without action. Ruining something as innocent as a marathon on Patriots day in Boston is not just a mistake; it’s perverse.
The world we live in is darker than it may have ever been. New technologies and ways of communication make it easier for all to see disturbances like no other generation before this.
Pictures and videos of the bombs’ initial blast will never be erased from the mind’s eye, but where there was great pain came what no terrorist can dismantle: our unity.
America is still the great hope of this world, throughout its many faults and wrongdoings. Even in times of great tragedy, Americans show their true resolve by helping those in the greatest of need.
People who had just completed the 26-mile run reportedly raced over to a local hospital to donate blood. Apartment and home owners in the immediate area granted access to those who couldn’t find a safe haven soon enough. The Boston Police and Fire departments were on scene within seconds of the second explosion.
No one in this nation thinks it is perfect, but what immediately resulted from yesterday’s terrorism is something that no foolish act can destroy.
Americans are the proudest people on earth, and they have every right to be.
The greatest innovators and minds live here, and each time a national tragedy shows its ugly head, these people don’t run and hide like the cowards who performed those tragedies; they’re the first to step up.
President Obama said exactly what needed to be stated yesterday afternoon, saying, “Today there are no Republicans; there are no Democrats. We are all Americans.”
Through wars and economic crisis, this nation’s willpower never waivers and never bows to the likes of terrorists, and thanks to a few outcasts it will stand firm again.
Costa is a junior majoring in journalism.