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The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Expert Says: Takeuchi explains how despite tension, US-China Summit finds common ground

Dr. Hiroki Takeuchi provided information necessary for this commentary. Takeuchi is an assistant professor of political science at SMU.

Though attempts have been made to better the relationship between the U.S. and Chi-na, the past month did not bode well for the meeting between President Obama and President Hu Jintao.

As per usual, the presidents met amid tension over economic issues. One of the key issues that Congress has complained about concerning China is China’s artificial control of its own currency.

Because of differing economic systems, there is constant argument about trade, especially with issues of protectionism.

What came as more of a shock to the Obama administration was President Hu Jintao’s lack of knowledge over the People’s Liberation Army’s testing of a stealth jet.

President Hu Jintao, when asked by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, stated that he did not know the PLA had tested the jet.

In addition to the alarming discovery of the jet’s test flight, the situation between North Korea and South Korea did nothing to help put U.S.-China relations in a less awkward position.

Despite friction over economic issues and the military, the visit was not entirely negative. At best, it can be viewed as a willingness of both the United States and China to meet and discuss issues of importance to both nations in a cordial manner.

It is significant that President Hu Jintao came to the United States and met with President Obama. Past U.S. presidents since Nixon have travelled to China in order to engage in discussions.

Even as both the United States and China find more and more to disagree on in recent months, neither can deny the importance of maintaining good relations.

It is an acknowledged fact that the United States and China both find themselves increasingly intertwined economically. The U.S. economy cannot recover without the Chinese economy. There is a powerful need for the cheap goods and services provided by China.

Likewise, the Chinese economy cannot grow without U.S. markets. Even though they recovered much faster than the U.S., it behooves China to continue to find common ground with the United States.

The current summit meetings have been quite helpful to get both administrations on the same page so that certain issues can be put on the back burner and the real issues can be embraced and dealt with.

Michael Dearman is first year philosophy and history major. He can be reached for comments or questions at [email protected].

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