The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


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Game room offers hi-tech experiences

The Hughes-Trigg game room has gone high-tech thanks to a push from David Hayden, SMU’s business services manager.

For the past three years Hayden has searched for ways to get students back into the game room. He says the decrease in students is a “simple progression of what’s going on” in technology: as video game consoles get more popular, traditional arcade games seem less entertaining to students.

So Hughes-Trigg is pumping up its technology muscle by contracting Xtreme Bits and Bites Internet Company to retro-fit the game room with state-of-the-art computers featuring high-speed Internet connections, CD burners and video conferencing. But the highlight of the new facilities? The video-game capabilities available on the computers.

According to Xtreme Bits and Bytes owner Stephen Becker, visitors to the game room will be able to play the same games available on the XBOX console. The computers will be networked together, allowing multiple users to play in teams and compete against each other during down time on campus.

“I look forward to being able to play Madden in between my classes,” said Christopher Collins, senior finance major.

Becker began petitioning SMU by way of e-mails and fliers when he decided to expand his services beyond the game room already serving the University of North Texas.

“I just needed to get in front of them to let them know what our options are and what we’d like to do,” Becker said.

Within a few weeks, Becker and Hayden were able to work out a deal.

A three-day prototype was put in place for students to test the gaming services. The prototype included six machines that continuously stayed busy with curious students. Following the three days, SMU and Xtreme Bits and Bytes signed a 90-day contract with the potential for a long-term contract once legal matters have been resolved.

Hayden looks forward to the opening of the new game room.

“We have the next generation game room and of what we know of it, it will be the only one in the U.S,” he said.

With hopes of keeping the game room open for 24 hours, Hayden and Becker are looking to offer vending services in the form of chips and high-powered drinks.

Hayden believes the new computers will bring life and animation back to the game room. “Hughes-Trigg is always looking for that new, cool thing that brings the students into the building,” he said.

The cost of using the services will be $3 for 30 minutes and $5 for one hour. The fee is reasonable compared to Kinko’s, which offers one hour of computer use for $18. Pony, cash and all major credit cards will be accepted.

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