The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Macho man, you’ve been replaced

A day at the spa sounds as appealing to him as it does to awoman in need of pampering. He has no regrets after spending $200on a haircut, $2,000 on a suit or $75 on face cream. He is eyecandy to the girls. His manners are impeccable. But no, he is notgay — he is a metrosexual.

The antithesis of a macho man, the metrosexual maintains aflawless appearance often mistaken for homosexuality.

But he’s straight.

Max Meggs, a metrosexual student at Southern MethodistUniversity pays special attention to his appearance.

He is a careful eater, a strategic dresser and highlights hishair on a monthly basis. As for his daily routine, Meggs thinks”there is nothing wrong with spending a couple of hoursgetting ready once you get out of the shower.”

“I think the highest compliment a man can receive is beingcalled a metrosexual,” he said. Why? “A picture isworth a thousand words and being called a metrosexual is worth athousand compliments.”

Meggs’ advice for a metrosexual want-to-be: “startoff slow by wearing a pink shirt and designer jeans…the restwill come to you naturally from there.”

Metrosexual is a new term many students have not yet heard. Oneclueless SMU student defined the term in this way: “Ametrosexual is someone who enjoys sex on subways.”

To clarify, the modern metrosexual is a straight male withfeminine tendencies. Wordspy, an internet dictionary, specificallydefines him as “an urban male with a strong aesthetic sensewho spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance andlifestyle.”

The word originated in 1994 by Mark Simpson, a Britishjournalist, who identified the Metrosexual as a “straight manliving in an urban center who feels comfortable indulging infeminine pursuits, such as extensive personal grooming.”

Today, this term is society’s newest buzzword.

Why the sudden boom?

Because today’s metrosexual spends longer picking out hisoutfit and doing his hair than a girl.

According to an internet survey site, Datamonitor, “overthe past five years, men’s grooming time has increased to anaverage of 3.1 hours a week, compared to the average woman’sgrooming time of 2.5 hours a week.”

Danielle Thornton, a fist-year student at SMU said, “Ilike a man who takes good care of himself, but I draw the line whenhe takes longer than I do to get ready!”

On the SMU campus, a metrosexual will not be hard to find. ChrisAnderson, a professor in the CCPA department and a self-proclaimedmetrosexual, said he is “interested in aesthetics.”

When he dresses for work, he does not want to look like thestereotypical professor in a “sweater and plaid blazer withpatches on the sleeves.”

To find success in his role in public relations, as a professorand the owner of a T-shirt company, Anderson thinks “it isimportant to be interested in appearance.”

Nina Flournoy, a friend and colleague of Anderson, recalled oneparticular shopping incident with him: “We walked all overthe city. I swear we went into more men’s clothing storesthan women’s. I waited for him to try stuff on more than hewaited for me,” she said.

Another metrosexual active in the SMU community, JamesMantzuranis, is proud to carry the title. “It’s noteasy being pretty…just because I use facial toner and take30 minutes to fix my hair does not make me less of aman.”

Mantzuranis enjoys frequent pampering sessions at the ElizabethArden Spa. “These days, I consider the word‘pretty’ a word.”

Brenna Smith, a student at SMU and friend to many metrosexuals,finds “everything about a metrosexual extremelyattractive…Prada loafers, turned up collars, sports coats,and cologne.”

There is only one thing that turns Smith off: “He cannotadmit to being one.”

Metrosexual’s are as attracted to ladies as ladies areattracted to them. Who doesn’t want a man who takes good careof himself?

As the old saying goes: “You can’t love anyone untilyou love yourself.” The metrosexual has defiantly masteredlove for himself.

Where to meet a metrosexual?

You can be sure to find one at the upcoming opening of theKiehl’s store in Highland Park Village, the Nasher Museum orthe Sur la Table cooking school.

Next time you seek advice on what shirt to wear, what spa to goto, or what the hottest new restaurant is, ask a metrosexual.

He will let you in on the latest buzz.

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