American business woman Carly Fiorina addressed SMU students, faculty and staff, and members of the Dallas community about her life’s successes and her secrets to unlocking an individual’s potential during her event, “Pro-Life and Presidential” March 29. The event was co-hosted by SMU YAF, Mustangs for Life and SMU College Republicans and brought in approximately 350 attendees
Mustangs for Life Vice President Marisa Rosa, along with the other executive members of the organization, decided on asking Carly Fiorina to speak at SMU because of her success during the American presidential election and everything that she stands for.
“We came down to Carly because we wanted a female who is pro-life,” Rosa said. “Not to mention she had just run for president, she’s a big name, and we wanted to bring someone to campus that students would know who would also be a wonderful pro-life advocate.”
College Republicans President Drew Wicker said he wasn’t happy with the turnout, but that packing the house was a victory.
Fiorina’s speech opened with a story about her college years while she explained to students that she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, having graduated from Stanford University with a degree in medieval history and philosophy.
In fact, the only thing that drove Fiorina to law school was her father.
“I was afraid of disappointing people,” Fiorina said. “But bigger than that, I was afraid of failing and looking foolish.”
Fiorina powered through her insecurities and landed a job as a ‘Kelly girl,’ where her first big opportunity presented itself. Her two bosses approached her and said that they wanted to train her to be a CEO like them.
Fiorina said that it was this experience that made her understand leadership.
“Every single one of us needs a helping hand, and every single one of us needs someone to take a chance on us,” Fiorina said.
Fiorina then went on to discuss how she met her husband, which ultimately lead her to become pro-life. Fiorina told the audience that her husband was supposed to be aborted due to previous medical issues, but because he had a strong-willed mother who refused to go through with the abortion, he was here on earth to be the “rock and joy of her life.”
“I have thought so often just how different my life would be had she made a different choice,” Fiorina said.
As her speech came to a conclusion, Fiorina reminded students about the importance of good leadership and reinforced that every person in the world has the potential to be a good leader.
“I used to think I knew what a leader was. I thought it was the guy with the biggest office and budget,” Fiorina said. “Now I know that the highest calling of a leader is to unlock potential in others and to see possibilities.”
Fiorina told the audience that people are not defined by what others say about them, but by their own choices, actions and decisions.
“Let’s remember that tough times are a part of life, but in every tough time there is always a great blessing,” Fiorina said.