Later this year, from the 29th of August until the 4th ofSeptember, the Republican National Committee will be holding itsnominating convention in New York City. The date was pushed back tothe first week of September in an attempt to exploit the massacresin Manhattan, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania almost three yearsbefore.
As soon as the date and location of the convention wereannounced, activist groups began planning for fierce streetprotests outside the convention. Both the Republican and Democraticconventions were the scene of tumultuous demonstrations in 2000,and this year’s protest at the RNC will be enormous, andpossibly epochal. Here are some reasons why you should be there, orat least provide assistance to those who join in thedemonstrations.
Bush appointed several war criminals and terrorists tohigh-level positions in his administration. John Negroponte, ElliotAbrams and Otto Reich were all deeply involved in the terroristcampaigns against Nicaragua and El Salvador during the 1980s. Theonly government Nicaragua has ever had that cared about its peoplewas driven out of office, and the people of El Salvador wereprevented from establishing such a government. The end result wasabout 70,000 dead, and two countries ruined, perhaps permanently.This illustrates how the Bush administration really feels aboutterrorism and democracy. If this bothers you, come to New York.
The Bush administration has been waging an all-out war againstthe environment. Crucial protections of our air, water, and soilhave been rolled back, and industry representatives have beenplaced in positions devoted to environmental regulation. If losingyears of progress towards a cleaner environment bothers you, cometo New York. Similarly, the Bush administration has been committedto rolling back workplace safety protections, overtime pay, andother critical aspects of workers’ rights. Many Americansfought and died for these rights in an ongoing struggle dating backto our country’s independence. If this bothers you, come toNew York.
The Bush administration has pushed an extremist version of theeconomic and trade policies of the past several presidents. To makea long story short, the gap between rich and poor continues togrow, in the United States and around the world. Environmental andlabor laws continue to be undermined by so-called “free-tradeagreements,” and military aid continues to flow to repressiveregimes in case their angry citizens get out of line. The agenciesin charge of the horribly dangerous program of placing lasers inspace openly admit that their objective is to provide a trump cardagainst angry masses of the world’s poor. If this bothersyou, come to New York.
The broad global justice movements have been scoring criticalsuccesses against the economic agendas of the global elites eversince the Battle of Seattle in 1999, and that brings me to thePATRIOT Act. Don’t be fooled, it is not about terrorism. Lookat what happened to the abolitionists, suffragettes/suffragists andother women’s rights advocates, labor activists,environmentalists, civil rights activists, anti-war activists, andevery other movement to make this country and world a more decentplace.
They were monitored, spied upon, harassed, beaten, arrested,threatened and sometimes killed. The United States is one of thefreest countries in the world due to their efforts. The PATRIOT Actis purpose-built to enable law enforcement to combat the globaljustice movements. If this bothers you, come to New York.
The Bush administration threatened to invade the Netherlands. Ittried to overthrow the government of Venezuelan President HugoChavez. It tried to resurrect the Cold War against the Russians.The administration is filled with anti-public sector zealots whoseemingly desire a return to before the 20th century, hence themassive budget cuts designed to provoke what Ari Fleischerunashamedly called “a fiscal train wreck.”
The Bush administration is also full of religious extremists whothreaten the separation of church and state, view the rights ofwomen (not just abortion) and homosexuals with disdain, and makepolicy towards Israel with an eye to “The Apocalypse.”If this bothers you, come to New York.
Come with the knowledge that we can show the world that hopesurvives. Come knowing that we can demonstrate to many moreAmericans the truth about issues the so-called “liberalmedia” doesn’t discuss, if they cover the protests atall. Come understanding that direct action accomplished greatthings in Seattle and elsewhere, and it can again. Come, or supportthose who do, with an eye towards our common future.
Scott Charney is a senior history and English major. He may bereached at [email protected].