The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Road map to war

Israeli assassinations promote continued violence in Mideast

The Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi onSaturday night may have disastrous results, going against thecountry’s previously stated intentions of peace in theregion.

The combative Rantisi became the Hamas Gaza leader less than amonth ago when Israeli forces assassinated Hamas founder SheikAhmed Yassin. Upon his appointment, Rantisi continued his viciousrhetoric, saying that under his reign Israelis would not knowpeace.

Rantisi was not a peaceful man striving for a resolution inwhich Israelis and Palestinians could live side-by-side. He was aterrorist whose ultimate goal was to get the entire area of landnow known as Israel for Hamas and its followers.

Nonetheless, Rantisi’s evil nature should not havepresented Israelis with a green light to send missiles into theterrorist’s sedan. Unfortunately, Saturday’s events didtrigger the martyrdom drum roll.

While Hamas mourns Rantisi’s death, the members will useit to continue their terror on Israelis. They now have furtherbloody images for their propaganda campaign against peace in theregion.

Rantisi used to be a pediatrician. It would be easy for Hamas torecruit his former patients in suicide bombing missions.

Hamas currently controls many of the Palestinian people throughprovision of basic goods. Hamas would not have to raise checkamounts to the bombers’ families to enlist more of them. Theywould only have to appeal to their sense of anguish.

In response to the recent death, one Hamas leader tied allPalestinians with the organization. He said that they all mustbecome martyrs. Many Palestinians protested louder than before,crying for further revenge from last month’sassassination.

If any harmony is to be obtained in the region, this languagemust be put aside and not continually instigated.

Assassinations and suicide bombings should not be the firstthing on either the Israeli or the Palestinian diplomatic lists. Nomatter how many peace summits leaders from both sides attend, theiractions speak louder than their respective speeches about a roadmap to peace.

This is not to say that a Kumbaya chorus will ring through thestreets of Gaza by simply showing restraint, however it will bringthe leaders back to the drawing board. Once they do this then itmay increase the possibility of an effective road map to peace tonot only be implemented but also accomplished.

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