Lyle School of Engineering students may have difficulty finding their advisors during the first few weeks of class.
Construction within the school is underway and all undergraduate and graduate administrative offices are moving to one single floor.
This move includes all administrative faculty, including advisors and records offices, and the new offices are located on the main floor of Caruth Hall.
Although renovations are yet to be completed, engineering faculty has already begun to settle into their new offices, creating confusion for students.
Undergraduate advisor, Misti Compton, is calling this, “musical offices,” as administrators hop from space to space but ensures students this move will benefit them in the end.
Senior mechanical engineering student Keenan Barazi said the new offices will eventually be very convenient but the construction has created hassle for some of the students.
“The process of moving them has been somewhat of a nuisance,” he said.
Lyle students can expect all renovations of Caruth Hall to be completed
by the end of the semester and should look forward to easier access when
semester advising starts again.