If you’ve ever been to an SMU football game, you will have seen the ultra-spirited men and women running up and down the field next to Peruna. Now is your chance to be one of them.
The Peruna Handlers are holding tryouts today, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. They are looking for three spirited students to replace graduating seniors.
Captain Bo Brunk has been a handler for three years and said his experience as a handler has been an unforgettable one. “I love being down on the field and showing off my school spirit,” Brunk said.
Peruna Handlers are responsible for running with Peruna at all home games, parading him around The Boulevard, and leading the band into the stadium. In addition, they also spend a few weeks at Peruna Ranch in a secret location only known to handlers. There they clean and play with the horse.
Junior Jonathan Dobin is also a handler. He said his favorite part is tailgating. “I love walking up and taking pictures with everyone who wants to pet Peruna.”
Tryouts are open to SMU freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Prior experience with horses is not necessary because handlers are taught everything they need to know. Both men and women are encouraged to tryout.
At the tryouts, participants will get information from the current handlers over the history of Peruna. They will also run the field with Peruna to get a sense of what it will be like during the games.
“It’s a really important part of the university. To be a handler is to be a part of a long-running SMU tradition,” said Dobin.
The job pays $600 a year for the six home games. Tryouts will be held on the intramural field.
Brunk says the current handlers are looking for spirited students who will be committed to the job.