Students enjoy food provided by the Residence Hall Association. The RHA hosted the study break Monday afternoon. (Daneya Ammon)
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) held a study break Monday afternoon behind McElvaney Hall. It servedd as an opportunity for students across campus to snack and relax before they begin studying for final exams.
“The purpose of this event is to show people that RHA really cares. We wanted to give something to the students of SMU before finals,” said RHA Vice President Roshel Aghassi.
The event hosted nearly 40 people. Study bags were handed out to everyone in attendance.
“We wanted to give something tangible to the students to help them do well on their final exams,” said Renee Gibson an RHA advisor.
The study bags included highlighters, pens, note cards and novelty items.
RHA is an organization on campus dedicated to students who live in the residences halls. However, the event was open to all SMU students. They usually sponsor a luau but were unable to this year due to weather complications.
Events like this one can be found all over campus in the next week. Most of the Student Affairs offices will be hosting study breaks throughout the week of finals. For more information about the dates and times, contact the particular office that you are interested in.
“It is important to take a break while studying, even if it is 30 minutes,” said Joaquin Acevedo, a senior marketing major. He relaxes by going to the gym, watching television or taking a nap.
Some other ideas include taking a walk, going out to coffee with friends, participating in outdoor activities or cooking dinner, to name a few.
“Students must relax while they are studying so that they don’t stress themselves out and forget material,” said Gibson.
She will be returning as the Shuttles Hall director in the fall when renovations are completed.
There are many resources available to students dealing with stress on campus. The Memorial Health Center Web site offers tips on how to deal with stress. Also, the LEC offers tips on how to deal with the stress of finals, in particular.
“Students must step and realize that stressing over finals only hurts them in the end,” said Gibson.