Current and alumni Hunt Leadership Scholars will serve the Dallas community at the Fifth Annual Capital One Kidpreneur Expo on Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Kidpreneur Expo will take place at the St. Philip’s School Community Center from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Young entrepreneurs ages 6 to 16 will pitch their ideas to a panel of local celebrities and entrepreneurs for a chance to win prizes and be mentored.
The exposition will feature “Flexin’ in My Complexion” founder and Kidpreneur Kheris Rogers. There will also be opportunities to win cash prizes and purchase products from up to 30 Kidpreneur businesses.
After volunteering, the group of current and alumni Hunt Scholars will celebrate the day at Chelsea Corner.
Hunt Leadership Scholars Program Director Lindsay Davis looks forward to the program’s second year serving with St. Philip’s.
“It’s been a really great way to keep the groups connected while engaging in a project that fits the values of the Hunt Scholars program,” Davis said.
This volunteer opportunity is free, and reservations are required. If you’re part of the Hunt Scholars community, you can register here by Nov. 14. To serve independently, please register here. Please contact with any questions about the event.