The holiday season can get hectic. Although the company of family and friends can be extremely fun, it can sometimes cause a lot of stress. Whether or not you feel like you are healthy at the moment, here are some tips to stay healthy or get healthy over winter break.

1. Drink tea: Instead of hot chocolate or peppermint mocha from Starbucks, drink tea! Although it’s nice to treat yourself to a sugary holiday drink every once in a while, it’s a lot healthier to drink hot tea! Tea only takes a few minutes to make and it does not cost nearly as much as a drink from a coffee shop. Plus, you can drink it in the comfort of your own home and there are a lot of different options!

2. Take time for yourself: Winter break is a time of rest and relaxation. Being surrounded by family and friends can be exhausting so it is important to take time out of the day for you. Try spending ten minutes each day without any electronics to be alone in silence. You can reflect on your day, think about whatever you’re grateful for or anything else positive. This will help you to relax and is also a great way to wind down before going to sleep.

3. Sleep: With homework, classes and commitments, it can be hard to get the proper amount of sleep each night during the year. Winter break is a great time to catch up on sleep and have lazy mornings where you can sleep in. Take advantage of this time to sleep so you can wake up and conquer the day ahead!

4. Try a new exercise class: Over winter break, it’s easy to have lazy days in front of the fireplace while reading a good book or lounging in front of the TV. Although it’s important to have relaxation time, it’s also important to stay active. Depending on where you live, cycling and yoga are two great options for a new workout class. The good news is that the majority of these workout studios offer free trial classes, so you can test them out!