Various students, faculty and staff were honored at the SMU Awards Extravaganza Monday night in the Hughes-Trigg Theater.
President Taylor Russ prefaced the awards with the traditional State of University address.
“The state of the university is in great shape,” Russ said. “With every incoming class, that student body is getting stronger and smarter.”
He mentioned a few of the many things the university community has achieved this year, singling out the opening of the first all-green powered Embry building, the success of sports teams and Relay for Life.
In looking toward the future, Russ stressed the importance of making the university more environmentally friendly, creating more need-based scholarships and increasing student interactions with professors, engaging in conversations with them outside of the classroom.
The 20 different awards presented recognized outstanding academic achievement, community involvement, service and leadership. Eighty individuals and two student groups were awarded.
Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award
Mark Kerins, Luis Maldonado, Peter Noble
Office of the Chaplain
Individual Service Award
Kristin Schutz
Group Service Award
Amnesty International
Residence Life and Student Housing
James E. Caswell Award
David Bass
Greek Life
A. Kenneth Pye Award
Myra Arthur, Brittany Lucas, Jeremy Maurer, Margaret McNeily, Andrew Moreton, Jessica Whitcomb
Office of Leadership and Community Involvement
Outstanding Faculty and Staff Volunteer Award
Dennis Cordell
SPARC Excellence in Service Award
Alpha Psi Lambda
SMU Mothers’ Club
Outstanding Senior Woman Award
Liz Healy
SMU Dads’ Club
Outstanding Senior Man Award
Austin Follett
Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
2006-2007 Certificate of Recognition
Jesslyn Apple, Nastassja Arsenych, Christa Beal, Vishal Bhasin, Van Ann Bui, Kellly Carden, Susan Carmody, Christian Chrsitensen, Adanwimo Esedebe, Marie Foruria, Jennifer Foster, Karen Gutierrez, Dolores Henry, Jian Hu, Frederick Itoe, Mary Kinahan, Leigh Klaus, John Legg, Tiana Lightfoot, Julie Lutz, Mora Namdar, Joseph Nickell, Jessica North, Matthew Noyd, Daniel O’Neil, Chelsea Reynolds, Nicole Roberts, Nicole Sarhady, Lulu Seikaly, Abbie Steffler, Brittny Stubblefield, Erika Toledo, Katherine Tullos, Catherine Weddell, Natasha Wells, Kyle Yarberry
Students’ Association Award
Outstanding Administrator Award
James Caswell
Outstanding Trustee Award
Gary Crum
Willis M. Tate Award
Jeffrey Hart, Joe Kobylka
Student Life
John L. Freehafer Award
Lauren Ostergen, Indiana Porta, David Tiro, Katherine Tullos, Michelle Wigianto, Danielle Wong
Avella Winn Hay Award
Siew Mei Lee
Umphrey Lee Award
Austin Follett
Presidential Award of Excellence
Scholar/Athlete Award
Olivia O’Rear
Scholar/Volunteer Award
David Bass
Scholar/Leader Award
Garrett Haake
The M Award
Faculty and Staff
David Doyle, Willie Lowery, Fred Olness, Dee Siscoe, Ron Wetherington
Susan Carmody, Pavielle Chriss, Jaclyn Durr, Emily Graham, Liz Healy, Chelsea Hilliard, Rajiv Parmar, Taylor Russ, Lauren Smith, Gabe Travers