Networking is the most important thing an international studentcan do to get a job after graduation, according to all of thepanelists Monday night at the international student lecture”Assisting International Students from the Classroom to theMarketplace.”
The lecture, sponsored by Global Connections and UniversityFellowship, brought panelists from different career fields to giveadvice to international students on being competitive in the jobmarket.
“Get out of your individual bubble and make contacts inorganizations,” said Chris Partin, Dallas civil and businessattorney. Partin suggested giving out business cards to everyoneyou meet. He also stressed the importance of taking time to sendbirthday or holiday cards.
The consensus between the panelists was that making connectionsis the easiest way to find out about job opportunities.
“80 to 85 percent of current vacant jobs remain unlistedin professional listings,” Partin said.
Panelists representing different industries and fields spoke tothe group of about 30 international students. Representativesranging from the automotive, technology and service industries aswell as lawyers and people in the field of education offered adviceto the students.
Michael Freeman from the Richardson Independent School Districtexplained the different areas that are available in education.Freeman said that education is more than just teachers; it is abusiness complete with technology, communications, finance andhuman resource departments. He also stressed the importance ofloving your job.
“I’ve never had a bad day at work,” saidFreeman. “Whatever your dream is, go do that. Put all of yourheart behind it.”
Lawyers from the firm of Abdelhadi and Associates spoke to thestudents about keeping their student visas and ways in which theymay remain in the United States after graduation.
Dr. Charles Baker, an SMU senior electrical engineeringlecturer, gave the students a handout on creating a goodresume.
“The goal of a resume is to get an interview,” Bakersaid. Most potential employers will look at a resume for only 20seconds he said. The resume must grab the employers’attention quickly. He gave advice such as using a nickname if yourname is hard to pronounce and to create different resumes fordifferent interviews.
The panelists agreed that international students have differentstruggles but that their hard work will pay off.