October is my absolute favorite month of the year. It’s finally fall, Halloween decorations are popping up around the city and my birthday is only a few short days away.
Oh, I almost forgot, I’m turning 21. This birthday signifies a very important milestone in a young person’s life. When you turn 21, you finally feel like an adult. You’re officially out of your teenage years, but aren’t in that awkward phase between adolescence and adult responsibility.
Part of that responsibility includes responsible alcohol consumption.
On Oct. 25 I will legally be able to buy and consume alcohol, something I’ve been waiting for since my study abroad in Europe. I remember finally having the ability to have a glass of wine at dinner without my parents, and had to learn that just because you can doesn’t always mean you should.
SMU reminded me of this with a lovely birthday card in my mailbox this year.
I’ve always been impressed with this university and its efforts to remind students that learning how to drink responsibly is an essential part of adulthood should one choose to drink.
My birthday card not only wished me a happy 21st, but urged me to learn my limits, always have a designated driver or take a cab and provided information for counseling on campus should alcohol ever begin to take control of my life.
I realized that our university takes our safety and health very seriously, and openly recognizes that we’re in college and that many of us will drink. But we should be smart about it. So let’s be smart about drinking.
First, eat a meal before you start your evening’s activities. This shouldn’t be too hard considering the vast majority of us seem to love food. If we’re being honest, it needs to be carb and fat ridden (OK, maybe in moderation) because those foods absorb more of the alcohol and slow down the metabolic process.
Secondly, seriously set a limit before you go out. If you know you’ll be out for three hours, maybe say you can have two drinks. If you go through those too quickly and need something in your hand, get a ginger ale or even a glass of sprite or Gatorade. If your drink is in a solo cup, no one will know, nor do I think most people care if you’re constantly downing shots and cocktails.
Finally, know your cab driver. Maybe not personally (though there are some really good ones out there) but know a few numbers for cab companies around the area. Or, switch out designated drivers for each weekend. Everyone can do their part, have their turn and be happy. If you are the designated driver, please remember that people are trusting you to get them home safely. You’ll have your fun next weekend.
We love to go out, have a good time and many of us consume alcohol while we do so. However, there’s no reason that we can’t be smart about our alcohol consumption. So when you turn 21, or if you already are, grab that adult responsibility by the horns and please drink responsibly.
Graves is a junior majoring in communications and religious studies.