Desperados Mexican Restaurant is celebrating its 35th birthday by raising money to provide 35,000 meals to The North Texas Food Bank. (Spencer J Eggers/The Daily Campus)
Desperados Mexican Restaurant says “Adios to hunger” as it celebrates its 35th birthday.
Throughout the month of September, Desperados hopes to raise enough money to provide 35,000 meals to The North Texas Food Bank.
“The big emphasis is that we are turning 35 and we wanted to do something special,” Jake Levy, general manager of the Greenville Avenue location, said.
When it was brought to their attention that it was hunger action month at The North Texas Food Bank, Levy and his family decided they wanted partner with them.
“We are very excited to be working with them,” Levy said. “It’s the start of a beautiful relationship.”
Levy’s father, Jorge, opened the Greenville Avenue restaurant in 1976.
Now, 35 years later, the Levy family wants to give back to the community that has helped establish their restaurant as a city landmark.
Customers can participate by bringing in a non-perishable food item to “Stuff the Catering Van.” By donating one can, customers receive a free appetizer.
“We like to make large impacts whenever we can,” Levy said.