No one leads a perfect life. The world is full of imperfect people, people who make mistakes by breaking the law.
Infracting a state law doesn’t always mean the end of your freedom. You have a right to a speedy trial that’s fair and impartial.
Having a speedy trial means your case gets fast-tracked. Depending on the facts of your case, the prosecution has less time to prepare to try you. Attorneys appreciate this because you’re allowed to bypass the exasperating investigation process.
And if you’re sitting in jail, a speedy trial shaves down the time spent in police custody. You get your freedom back faster.
If you’re getting ready to go to court, please know you have a right to a speedy trial. Read here as we discuss what you need to know about the speedy trial process.
Right to a Speedy Trial: What Is It?
A defendant is a person or entity accused of something or sued in a court of law. And only 2% of federal defendants make it to trial. The numbers are much different for average lawsuit results.
If you find yourself in the position of a criminal defendant, you can evoke your Sixth Amendment right. The US Constitution says you have the right to have your case tried within a certain amount of time.
From the date you’re arrested the clock starts ticking. When time elapses, the court trying your case must throw it out.
A speedy trial helps you avoid a possible unfair prison sentence. Plus, over time, the memory fades. People remember less about the details of events leading up to the trail.
That gives you less of an advantage over a law professional who keeps perfect records. Thus the need for the process. The attorney representing you should have enough knowledge to press the process forward right away.
The Consequences of the Speedy Trial
Yes, the speedy trial process saves you a lot of time and headaches when it comes to the prosecution process.
You’re not forced to sit through witness testimony. And, prosecutors don’t have enough time for forensic testing. Basically, the case around you doesn’t build fast enough for the prosecutors to seek a lengthy sentence.
But all this can work against you if the speedy trial process fails.
There’s no like case. Each one is different. It could take hours, days, or months to build a case. That’s works for both sides, the prosecutors and the defendant’s legal team.
Your case could get delayed by the courts. If this happens, and it depends on the nature of the case, speedy trial protection won’t help you.
That means you’re stuck with an unprepared legal team. They forgo the needed time to file pleadings and motions. Discovery gets tossed aside as well. That means you lose out on getting a hold of relevant facts, evidence, and information from other parties.
Discovery information has pertinency to every case. Without it, you could find yourself in a losing court battle.
Know Your Rights
The right to a speedy trial is a constitutional right for every American. But you have to know when and how to evoke it.
If you’re headed to court right now, speak with a legal professional right away.