The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

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The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Have a Safe Trip! Travel Safety Tips for Women


Feeling courageous enough to go on your first solo female traveler experience? Well, you’re not alone – 86% of women feel the same way, regardless of what’s happening to the world.

In fact, a survey found that three-quarters of women have already gone solo traveling.

These statistics should make you more confident to go on your own and pursue your dream holiday.

Even if you’re looking forward to some alone time, however, it’s important to have a safe trip, or “itterasshai,” as they say in Japan.

Ready to pack your bags, book all those flights, and come back with a huge smile on your face? Then make sure to keep these travel safety tips for women in mind!

Learn and Respect Your Destination’s Local Customs

Before you board that plane, look up your travel destination’s customs and traditions. There are many cultural differences that can land you in hot water.

The “peace” and “okay” signs, for instance, while innocent and even fun in the US, can be offensive in other countries. Another example is chewing gum, which is legit in most countries, but not in Singapore.

Check the Safety Ratings of Spots You’ll Visit

Before you book any accommodations or tours, check how safe and secure these places are. You’re likely to read about specific areas that are prone to mugging or break-ins online.

Avoid these areas, no matter how cheap the cost of the place is. Also, choose rentals that have nearby police stations and healthcare services.

Always Let Someone You Trust Know Where You’re Going

Even if you’re miles and miles away, let your parents or best friend know where you’re going beforehand. Especially if you plan on hiking or going somewhere where you can lose signal (or battery). Also, always have your emergency contact details on you, and not only on your phone.

Make Sure Your Ride Is in Top Condition

Always inspect a rental car or motorcycle before heading out. Make sure all the lights are working, the brakes are fine, and the horns actually sound. This can help you avoid accidents and getting involved in a personal injury case in a foreign land.

Always Carry a First Aid Kit

The extras to pack in your first aid kit should depend on what your travel plans are.

Planning to stay out on the sun for extended periods of time? Then be sure your kit has extra sunscreen and insect repellent.

Planning on a gastronomic tour? Then make room for a few more antacids, laxatives, and diarrhea medicines.

At the very least, it should contain decongestants, as well as pain and fever medicine. It should also have some antibacterial/antifungal ointments, wound dressing, and bandages.

Have a Safe Trip and Make the Most Out of Your Holiday

Traveling on your own is exciting, but you want to make sure that adrenaline won’t be the “flight or fight” kind. Your goal, after all, is to have awesome experiences, especially if this is your first time going solo.

By following these tips on how to have a safe trip, you’re sure to make great memories to take back home.

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