The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

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The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Booty and the breast

 Booty and the breast
Booty and the breast

Booty and the breast

It’s a well known fact that all guys are fans of T & A. However, most guys have a preference when it comes to these aspects of a lady.

Whether it’s derriere or chest that a guy likes, one of the two holds more sway than the other. Today, I will examine the male psyche as it relates to two of the more prominent features of the female anatomy.

First, let’s start with Will. Will is a breast man. He’s been one since birth, just ask his mom. So as you can see, this fascination starts at an early age.

Because Will likes a nice bosom, he tends to be more of a risk taker. After all, touching someone’s rear is not as taboo as groping a woman’s breast.

Breast men also tend to be more introverted. Will is the quiet, private type who is better at putting down in writing what he has to say to a lady, rather than saying it to her aloud.

Another quality of a breast man is that he is concerned with his looks, but not entirely superficial. In today’s society, breasts can be seen by some as a social status symbol. Why else would women pay for breast enhancements? Therefore, Will is a fan of breasts because, on a lady, they complement his looks.

When it comes to fitness, breast men are more of the toned and cardio-oriented type. Will is also more of a runner type, he sees big breasts and thinks healthy, but big buns mean lack of fitness to him and turn him off.

Finally, breast men (no matter what age) are more of the young at heart type. While not completely immature, Will has the mindset that he must hold on to his youth. Because he is a breast man, he is most likely to keep this mentality all the way through his mid-life crisis.

All in all, breast men choose pleasure over principle when it comes to women, but they do so with the best intentions.

Next, we’ll examine Walter. Walter is nothing but a booty man. Ever since the song “Baby Got Back,” he’s had one thing on his mind.

Booty men are more hands on than breast men. Giving his girl a good smack on her rear is nothing new for Walter. Booty men like having something to grab onto.

Men who focus on a nice rump are more extroverted. Walter is blunt, almost brutally honest when it comes to saying how he feels, whether it pertains to a lady or not.

Booty men care about their looks, but not to the extreme that breast men do. Walter is much happier in casual attire than dressing up to go out for a night on the town. Also, when out for the night, Walter walks right behind his lady. The view is better for him back there.

In the gym, booty men like to bulk up and see the results. Walter likes a girl with a little “junk in the trunk.” This sort of girl goes well with the results of his workout.

Lastly, while breast men are young at heart and are focused on just the present, booty men see the whole picture. Walter seems to know where he fits into the grand scheme of life. Booty men enjoy a good time, but feel that without principle, pleasure is lacking. This notion is a double-edged sword. It is endearing to some females, but boring to more playful types.

So what can ladies do? Basically, just use what you’ve got. This doesn’t mean flaunt it. Just don’t be afraid to show off your assets. It never hurts to accentuate your curves wherever they may be.

All you have to do is figure out what category your man or crush fits into and use his fascination as bait. Most importantly, it doesn’t have to be in a provocative way. And if he thinks you dress the way you do because you have sex on your mind, move on.

While it’s hard for a guy to express why he likes breasts more than booty and vice versa, you can bet that he likes one more than better but still prefers a package deal.

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