Christopher Nolan’s directorial follow-up to his hugely successful “Batman: The Dark Knight,” features Leonardo DeCaprio as a dream-weaver-like character who profits from planting thoughts into people’s minds via a process called “Inception,” hence the title.
With a plot too difficult to describe and tons of high budget action sequences, this film dazzled moviegoers in its summer box-office debut.
4. “Waiting For Superman”
This gritty documentary follows the lives of everyday public school students, and their struggle to be accepted into some of Washington D.C.’s most exclusive public charter schools.
The film showcases the gaping holes that the public education system is faced with, and leaves its audience in both a state of inspiration and concern.
3. “The Social Network”
Aaron Sorkin’s quick writing delivers yet another hit in this full-length film that follows Mark Zuckerburg, and the journey he experienced while developing Facebook.
With a dreary score and smart direction, “The Social Network” is already receiving tons of Oscar-buzz. Breakout roles are delivered from the film’s two stars Jessie Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield, and in a surprising twist, Justin Timberlake shows his acting abilities as well.
2. “127 Hours”
This is an unforgettable movie that tells the incredibly true-story of Utah adventurer, Aaron Ralston, while he is wedged inside a rock and a hard spot (literally), and results to amazing measures to rescue himself.
As Danny Boyle’s first film after winning top honors for “Slumdog Millionaire,” “127 Hours” film flow freely as a result of his fine directing.
In a role that could possibly define his career, James Franco is this year’s front-runner for the coveted “Best Actor” at the Oscars.
1. “Toy Story 3”
As the final film in the toy-based trio, “Toy Story 3” has been the highest grossing film of the year.
It is perhaps the best reviewed film of the year as well. Woody and his gang are back for more adventures as their long time owner, Andy, heads off to college.
Pixar once again creates an animated feature that appeals to adults as well, not just kids.
With an ending that is bound to be remembered for ages, “Toy Story 3” is in a class of its own.
Check out The Daily Campus reviews of these movies and post your own picks in a comment on this story at smudailycampus.com.