The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Pony Profiles

 Pony Profiles
Pony Profiles

Pony Profiles

Name: Brad Sutton

Title: Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations

Hometown: Henderson, Ky.

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Pet(s): Catesby (daughter, age 2)

Years at SMU: Four

Favorite thing about SMU: The people

Advice for SMU students: Come to SMU games!

Hobbies: Watching college sports, playing basketball

Person who has influenced you the most: My dad

Favorite movie(s): “Caddyshack”

Favorite book: All The King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren

Favorite athlete: Pete Rose

Favorite sports team: SMU Mustangs, of course!

Favorite food: Italian Schnitzel from Lenhardt’s in Cincinnati, Ohio

Favorite drink: Diet Coke

Favorite city: Lexington, Ky.

Favorite quote: “People don’t say those things about you, Carl… as far as you know…” —Ty Webb in “Caddyshack”

Best childhood memory: Getting our first color TV (Just kidding! I’m old, but not that old.)

Dream car: Toyota Land Cruiser

Dream job: Athletic Director

Dream vacation: DisneyWorld

Game show in which you would like to participate: ESPN’s “Dream Job”

Three items you could not live without: Cable TV, TiVo and college sports

Greatest achievement to date: Becoming a father.

Name: Ashley Lynne Whisnant

Title: Student

Birthday: Nov. 20, 1983

Hometown: Saratoga, Calif.

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Pet(s): I had a dog named Jazz.

Years at SMU: Three

Favorite thing about SMU: The friends that I’ve made here.

Advice for SMU students: Go to football games!

One thing you would change about SMU: Increase fan support at sporting events.

Hobbies: Cheerleading, Chi Omega, going out with friends, watching movies

Person who has influenced you the most: My mom

Favorite movie(s): “Van Wilder,” “Blue Crush,” “Napoleon Dynamite,” “Ocean’s 11.”

Favorite book: The Christmas Box

Favorite athlete: Owen Nolan and Patrick Marleau (NHL)

Favorite sports team: San Jose Sharks

Favorite food: Ice Cream

Favorite drink: Margarita

Favorite city: Los Angeles, Calif.

Favorite song: Right now… Rascal Flatts — “God Bless the Broken Road”

Favorite quote: “You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You’ll never remember class time, but you’ll remember the time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out with your friends on a Tuesday when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don’t have. Drink ‘til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does…” —Tom Petty

Best childhood memory: Going on vacations with my family and grandparents.

Most embarrassing moment: Falling on my ass during a halftime show at a high school football game.

Dream car: Range Rover

Dream job: Public Relations for a Professional Sports Team (Hockey or Football)

Dream vacation: Tahiti

Each Wednesday, The Daily Campus will feature two faculty, staff or students in Pony Profiles. If you would like to suggest anyone to be featured in Pony Profiles, please e-mail their name and contact information to [email protected].

Pony Profiles

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