Ed Board received a mysterious letter yesterday. It contained… anthrax. No, wait. It was a letter from some holocaust deniers.
The title reads “The Holocaust: The Hoax of the 20th Century”. It goes on to say, “No subject enrages campus thought police more than Holocaust Revisionism.”
Well, at first we were outraged. Seriously, what could be stupider than entertaining the idea that the Holocaust didn’t happen?
However, we thought about it, and realized, that is what the letter was talking about. In this case, we’re the “Thought Police”.
The mailing claims that, “Elitist dogma manipulation by special interest groups corrupts everything in academia.”
We disagree. Ed Board believes that common sense prevents us from indulging in speculation about the Holocaust.
However, we’d like to use this as an opportunity to address an important issue, First amendment protection of radical speech.
Even though this stuff sounds completely ignorant, and is highly offensive, its supporters still have a right to say it.
In case anyone wants to know, the holocaust deniers agree that the Jews were considered enemies of the state, but they disagree on the existence of gas chambers, and the killing of six million Jews.
There’s another point to be made, the pamphlet went on to say, “Students should be encouraged to investigate the Holocaust story the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical event.”
Ed Board couldn’t agree more. Students should investigate any event they are curious about.
If you want to know more about the Holocaust, go and look it up. If you are interested in conspiracy theories about September 11th, go look it up.
The only problem with this is the authenticity of media outlets. What if the government is manipulating the media?
Then we know nothing, and there’s no way to validate anything. However with the Holocaust, there are sources that can be reached. People that were there, people who had relatives dragged off never to be heard from again.
Ed Board firmly believes that the Holocaust happened, however we believe that anyone who disagrees has the right to say so. They should just realize that we’ll heap derision upon them for doing so.