The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Pony Profiles

 Pony Profiles
Pony Profiles

Pony Profiles

Name: Michelle Diana Gonzalez

Title: Student

Hometown: Miami/Dallas

Number of years at SMU: Three

Favorite thing about SMU: Beautiful campus with beautiful people

Your most embarrassing moment: Slipping and falling on my butt in the Umphrey Lee cafeteria line in front of everyone!

Favorite movie: “Brown Sugar,” “Bad Boys II,” “The Godfather” and “You’ve Got Mail”

Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird …but my current favorite is He’s Just not That Into You

Favorite athlete: Jason Kidd, Josh Howard and Dan Marino

Favorite food: What don’t I like? I love my momma’s cooking, anything from Plucker’s, chips and salsa, and sushi.

One piece of advice for SMU students: Get involved in campus organizations your freshman year … My personal favorite is Program Council! … and support SMU athletics.

Name three people you would like to have to dinner: Jesus, Oprah Winfrey and Jennifer Lopez

Hobbies: Shopping, watching sports, reading, spending time with my friends

Horoscope sign: Libra

Fondest childhood memory: Going to the beach every weekend when my family lived in Miami and spending Christmas in Guatemala.

Favorite song: Old school Mariah Carey…you can’t get tired of it

Favorite quote: “As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.” Proverbs 27: 19-20

Dream car: Range Rover

Person who has influenced you the most: My mom

Favorite sports team: Dallas Mavericks, Miami Dolphins, and of course, the SMU Mustangs

One thing you would change about SMU: More school spirit…and we could use some more Hispanic boys!

Dream job: Owner of the Dallas Mavericks or L. A. Lakers

One game show you would like to participate in: “Family Feud,” “The Apprentice”

Favorite drink: Ice cold Corona and a lime

Favorite city: Antigua, Guatemala and Miami

Dream vacation: Trip around the world

Three items you could not live without: My cell phone, my contacts, and FOOD!

Pets and their names/species: Lucky, my chihuahua at home….and my fish, Bubba

Greatest achievement to date: Becoming a student at SMU.

Birthday: September 29, 1983

Name: Bryan Robbins

Title: Associate Professor of Wellness

Hometown: Corpus Christi, Texas

Number of years at SMU: 40 years

Favorite thing about SMU: They give me a paycheck each month.

Favorite movie: “Above the Law” with Steven Segal (his first and only good movie)

Favorite book: A Path with Heart by Jack Kornfield

Favorite athlete: Nolan Ryan

Favorite food: Mexican

One piece of advice for SMU students: Don’t party on weeknights.

Three people you would like to have dinner with: My coach in college (Red Barr), Jesus and Buddha

Hobbies: Cooking, yoga, golf, martial arts and weight training

Horoscope sign: Gemini (split personality) I like being around people and I also like being totally by myself.

Fondest childhood memory: The beach in Corpus – fishing and surfing

Favorite song: “When a Man Loves a Woman”

Favorite quote: “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re probably right.” — Henry Ford

Dream car: One that never breaks down.

Person who has influenced you the most: Red Barr – He was the finest man I have ever met – the outdoor pool at SMU is named after him.

Favorite sports team: SMU Swimming and Diving Team

Dream job: I’ve got it!

Favorite drink: Water

Favorite city: Dallas

Dream vacation: Deep-sea fishing

Three items you could not live without: Toilet paper, Pace picante sauce and ketchup

Pets and their names/species: Droopy (basset hound), Dee Dee and Lily (two miniature wiener dogs)

Greatest achievement to date: 1976 & 1980 U.S. Olympic Diving Coach

Birthday: June 14, 1946

Each Wednesday, The Daily Campus will feature two faculty, staff or students in Pony Profiles. If you would like to suggest anyone or if you would like to be featured in Pony Profiles, please e-mail their name and contact information to [email protected].

Pony Profiles

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