Have you ever gotten to your 9 a.m. class, just to realize that you have to sit next to the dirty girl in class, who obviously hadn’t seen her own bed in days? I am sick of being forced to sit next to those who have a serious lack of personal hygiene, and an excess of bodily aroma.
Not that everyone should dress up in her Sunday best for class, but there are a few simple things we can all do to look better. No one knows who you’ll see when you’re looking your worst.
10. Bags under your eyes make you look tired and old: a dab of “Preparation H” will do ya, and instantly your bags will disappear. Don’t forget to rub it off before you get to class!
9. Naked earlobes are so unflattering: By wearing a cute pair of earrings, you can pep up your entire look.
8. No time for breakfast? No problem! Grab a breakfast bar on your way out. They are inexpensive, and you can’t go wrong with a classic.
7. It should go without saying, but some people find it hard to brush their teeth before class. I always carry a pack of gum with me, that way when someone starts talking to me, I can offer her a delicious piece, and get rid of whatever died in her mouth.
6. No one wants to sit next to the ugly girl in class. A three starts to look a lot like an eight with some mascara and a little lip-gloss. Oh, and a great concealer never hurts your appearance.
5. Coffee can give you the jitters, a sugar-free Red Bull is cheaper to buy, won’t yellow your teeth and will last you through the morning.
4. Most college students underestimate the value of a hot shower. It will wake you up in the morning, and you’ll be a lot more popular if you aren’t malodorous.
3. “Bed-head” is so last year- a bit of hairspray dries up oily hair and at the same time gives a sexy wind-blown look. If you are still having trouble with volume, a small amount of baby powder goes a long way.
2. Wash those X’s off your hands! We all know you went out last night- we were there too. In fact, all it really says about a person is that she doesn’t know how to wash her hands.
1. Do NOT wear the clothes you slept in the night before. Find something that looks somewhat decent, and Febreeze it. Not only will you be one of the best-dressed people in class, but dressing up will impress your professor, and may even raise your grade.
All my tips might not be for you, but if everyone walks away with one or two of my suggestions, class would be a lot more pleasant for all of us. Then, when someone says, “Boy, you look cute today,” you can respond “I know, right?”
Jordan Traxler is a first-year business major, and can be reached at [email protected].