The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


The Daily Campus Workout of the Week


It’s easy to find excuses to not work out: It’s too far away, it’s too late or I don’t have the time.  How about doing a workout right in your room? You’re probably taking a glance around yourself right now and seriously doubting me, but here’s a fast and easy routine that sheds excuses and fat.


The only tools required for these workouts are a towel and a heaping dose of motivation.


1. Push-ups – The quintessential chest and triceps builder. It doesn’t require any more floor space than the length of your body. There are many variations to this: For the beginner, you can do it on your knees; for the experienced, try it with your feet on a chair; and for a challenge, alternate placing one hand on a thick book.


2. Squat and Hold – Another favorite of mine, and the only thing you’ll require is a wall to lean against. Place your back flat against the wall, and sink to a 90-degree angle. Raise your hands straight ahead, or hold a book in your hands for a shoulder challenge.


3. Mountain-Climbers – I can’t imagine a better workout for a well-defined core and powerful legs.  Take the position that a sprinter takes at the starting line: hands flat on the ground, one knee bent, with the other extended. A mountain-climber is basically alternating legs in place, with your hands in the same position. When you’re back to your starting foot, that’s one set.


4. Supermans – Doesn’t this sound intimidating? This helps build a strong back, both upper and lower. Lay your towel flat on the ground, and lie on it with your stomach against the ground.  With both arms extended straight ahead, slightly lift your chest and pull those arms back, as if you’re doing a pull-up. 


Now try this:


1. 30 push-ups (Any variation you choose, Make it challenging!)

2. 30 second squats (Increase to 45 or 60 seconds for your next set)

3. 30 mountain climbers

4. 20 Supermans


Repeat for 2 more sets


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