President Bush’s proposed budget is trying to have it both ways.
He’s made deep cuts in some programs and outright eliminated others in the name of cutting the deficit. Yet, using White House figures, the deficit will still rise as much as $42 billion over the next five years.
This year’s budget numbers are not entirely accurate either, as funding for the war in Iraq and the ongoing mission in Afghanistan is not included in the count. Bush’s proposed Social Security plan is not included either. Even with all of the exclusions, the deficit for the budget year would still be $390 billion, the third highest amount in American history.
So what is currently on the chopping block?
Almost 50 education related programs, including one for keeping drugs out of schools and the ‘Even Start’ literacy program. Hopefully SMU alumna Laura Bush can talk some sense into George W., and have some of these programs reinstated. After all, the former librarian and teacher should know the value of a strong start in education.
Grants to local police departments for hiring and training new officers would also be eliminated. Bush spent his entire re-election honoring the ‘first responders’ to the terrorist attacks of September 11. Cutting badly needed funds for recruitment is not the way to make sure America’s first line of defense stays strong.
Along the same lines, Bush is proposing cuts in medical care for veterans. Servicemen and women received hero worship at campaign events, but reducing their health care is a slap in the face.
Student loans are also being cut. At a time when states are deregulating tuition costs, the federal government should be increasing financial aid options — not taking them away
Medicaid reductions are the most outrageous. The poor and disabled have the least options available for health care, and taking away preventative care will eventually end up costing taxpayers more in emergency room visits.
Some budget cuts were acceptable.
Ed Board was pleased to see farming subsidies cut substantially. And no, the local family farm is not going to go under because of this. Subsidies go to agri-businesses that do not need the additional funding.
The best budget cut would be canceling the tax cuts, although Ed Board is not holding its breath for that.
Hopefully, congress and the president can work out a budget that relies less on taking away from America’s future.