You shouldn’t panic, but Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. Yes, it’s almost the day your significant other patiently waits for because they get a nice bouquet of flowers or dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Maybe you forgot to plan but luckily for you, there is still some time to pull off a romantic day and win the best boyfriend or girlfriend award.
For music-loving couples, a thoughtful gift that would knock the socks off the one you love most is a playlist. There’s no need to run around the city or spend money; simply open Spotify or Apple Music and fill a playlist with all their favorite music or special songs that remind you of them. Make sure to give it a cute title and add your favorite photo with them as the cover, it’s all about the little details.
For all our couples who love the outdoors and good food, a picnic is a perfect way to spend the day. There’s no need to stress out about finding a fancy place to make reservations; pack each other’s favorite foods and include some fun activities. Take some blank canvases and paint while you enjoy the beautiful weather and take a break from any distractions.
Obviously we can’t forget about our artsy couples, so why not spend the day at an art museum? This date is perfect for couples who appreciate a more laid-back environment where they can appreciate the artwork in front of them; their significant other of course.
Maybe you’ve been wanting to let your creative side shine, so why not stop by a pottery painting class? Paint a pot, plate or mug with your person and if you’re feeling extra lovey-dovey, gift them your pottery.
If a cozy night in is what you enjoy, as the stress of being around other couples in the same place can be a little overwhelming, a movie night at home can be perfect. Have fun picking out matching pj’s and watch each other’s favorite movies or ones you’ve been waiting to see.
For our romantics out there who adore old-school love, a sweet gift this year can be a love letter. When did telling your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you love and appreciate them go out of style? A poem could also be the way to keep those butterflies alive–just don’t use ChatGPT, please.
And for all our singles out there who would like to spend this day with their friends, a trip to a rage room could be the perfect thing. Let the frustration of having that one person leaving you on delivered for three days out. Don’t forget to treat yourself and remember that the best form of love is self-love.