My senior year has been a whirlwind of activities between studying for classes and putting together The Daily Campus. Second semester brought in a new twist: the dreadful job search. And it continues. For those of you who have nailed down a job: congratulations. For those of you who are still looking for the hammer: I’m right there with you. Yes, I don’t have a job yet. But if you’re looking to hire a bright, hardworking journalist, I may be reached at (912) 604-2558.
To say the least, I haven’t had much time to reflect on my four years at SMU- until now. It all began in August of 2002. My mom, dad and I packed the suburban to the brim and headed for Dallas. A day in a half later we arrived at Boaz hall. After unpacking, shopping and promising to call once a week, I successfully shooed my parents back to Savannah, Ga.
The first two weeks were one big party. I can remember walking from frat house to frat house with a cup full of punch. Yeah, those were the days.
Then came my freshman year turning point: fall break. Mom and dad wouldn’t pay for a plane ticket home, so I rode out a four-day weekend with a handful of strangers whom I had probably met during the first two weeks of school. We bonded. And suddenly, I began to like SMU. (Friends are key to a good college experience). Contrary to what I was told at Mustang Corral, I didn’t meet my friends for life at a dude ranch located an hour outside of Dallas. I met them in Boaz hall. The fantastic four is still going strong.
Strange things happened sophomore year. Most people I knew paired off and moved out of the dorms into apartments. I did the same and signed a year lease at the Binkley apartments. My living situation went from one big dysfunctional family to dysfunctional. It was at the Binkleys where fate happened. My next-door neighbor Ryan Trimble introduced me to The Daily Campus. He assured me it was the best way to get involved on campus.
At first I hesitated — all I could think about was how rarely I saw R.T. at his apartment. He was always busy. I wrote my first article in February 2004 and never looked back.
Junior year I was double majoring in business and journalism, playing club volleyball and regularly contributing to the DC; I was hooked to the busy lifestyle. Then I fell in love with journalism and decided business wasn’t for me. Sorry grandpa. I blame managerial accounting.
And right when my life couldn’t have become any busier, I started my senior year of college. (Hands down, the best two years of my four years at SMU have been freshman and senior year).
Senior year of college is a rush to the finish line. You’re trying to lump every thing you have to do and have always wanted to do before graduation into one year. One of my Greek friends likened senior year to rush rounds. So here’s my tribute to senior year. You know you’re a senior when –
You find yourself striking up conversation with strangers because you’re convinced, at this point, that everyone and anyone you meet could be a potential job contact. When you should be studying, you find yourself constantly reworking your resume, adding every college accomplishment possible. On the weekends, you find yourself showing up at Home Bar after 1 a.m. to seek out friends from freshman year because you “feel the need to reminisce.” You find yourself skipping class just because you’re a senior, and you think your professor will understand. Warning: Senioritis left untreated can develop into a pre-graduation mental checkout, which can lead to summer school or, worse, another semester.
Looking back, I can honestly say I wouldn’t change a thing about my college experience at SMU, though I do wish I had done some things more than others.
Here are some suggestions on how to make the most out of SMU before graduation: study abroad, walk through the basement of Owen Fine Arts Center in the late afternoon, get involved in extracurricular activities, contribute to the The Daily Campus, get to know your professors outside of the classroom, explore Dallas, attend professional and SMU sporting events, make friends with someone outside of your clique and don’t sweat the small things in life.
I’d like to thank the following people:
Jessica Alexander – for editing my early work at The DC. God bless you.
Carolyn Channell – Your freshman English class changed the direction of my college career.
Craig Flournoy – for always embarrassing me in class and never giving up on me. See you in hell.
SMC and DC Staff – Thanks for loving me, hating me, believing in me and sharing with me the best experience of my college career. I’ll miss you.
Judy Stratton – You were my first impression of the division of journalism. After we talked, I knew I had picked the perfect major.
Jayne Suhler – You encouraged and inspired me to find the “other” story, even if I was only reporting on a city council meeting that no one else but you would read. Your passion for life is contagious. I’m glad I caught it.
Tony Pederson – You have a framed photo of Mick Jagger behind your desk, enough said.
Austin – Congratulations on fall editor in chief. Best of luck with the paper next year!
Jessica Savage is the outgoing editor in chief of The Daily Campus. She is a senior journalism major and business minor. You can reach her at [email protected]