The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Pony Profiles

 Pony Profiles
Pony Profiles

Pony Profiles

Name: Casey Morgan Wetz

Title: Student

Hometown: Muskogee, Okla.

Number of years at SMU: Four (oh no!!)

Favorite thing about SMU: The friends, the professors and the amazing opportunities I’ve had … not to mention the beautiful Boulevard.

Your most embarrassing moment: I’m NOT TELLING!! But, something almost everyone can relate to: falling down the steps of Fondren Freshman year

Favorite movie: “The Breakfast Club” and the “Sound of Music”

Favorite book: The Alchemist

Favorite athlete: Peyton Manning

Favorite food: Anything Mexican

One piece of advice for SMU students: Get involved in something other than classes. It truly ends up making all the difference in the world.

Name three people you would like to have to dinner: Frank Sinatra, George W. Bush and Grace Kelly

Hobbies: Dancing in the Tri Delta house with my sisters, reading, working on my scrapbook

Horoscope sign: Aries

Fondest childhood memory: When a boy at church camp asked me to kiss him and I said NO!!

Favorite song: “In My Life” by John Lennon

Favorite quote: “Sometimes you have to jump off the bridge and build your wings on the way down.”

Person who has influenced you the most: All of my grandparents

Favorite sports team: Other than SMU … That would be my OU SOONERS!

Dream job: Executive director of a theatre in NYC

One game show you would like to participate in: “Pyramid,” but only if I could do it with my roommate. We would win for sure!

Favorite drink: Ojeda’s Margaritas

Favorite city: Edinburgh, Scotland

Dream vacation: Go back to the Isle of Skye with all my friends from London.

Three items you could not live without: Sadly — my phone, toothbrush, camera.

Pets and their names/species: Two Cocker Spaniels … Abbey Road and Penny Lane.

Birthday: March 22, 1982

Name: Jennifer M. Jones (JJ)

Title: Director of Multicultural Student Affairs

Hometown: Orange, Texas

Number of years at SMU: 20 this October

Favorite thing about SMU: The students

Your most embarrassing moment: After leaving the restroom I noticed a bundle in my pant leg. By the time I walked back to my office, I realized that I had a pair of panty hose lodged in my pants.

Favorite movie: “The Color Purple”

Favorite book: The Bible

Favorite athlete: Doctor J

Favorite food: Shrimp

One piece of advice for SMU students: Do not allow others to control your destiny.

Name three people you would like to have to dinner: Jesus, Apostle Paul and my mother

Hobbies: Reading, dancing and cooking

Horoscope sign: Capricorn

Fondest childhood memory: My family traveling to my grandparents’ home for a family reunion.

Favorite song: “Treat Her Like a Lady”

Favorite quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Dream car: Just one that runs

Person who has influenced you the most: Jesus Christ

Favorite sports team: THE COWBOYS

One thing you would change about SMU: Have diversity part of every department, academic school, office, initiatives.

Dream job: I have it.

One game show you would like to participate in: “Name that Tune”

Favorite drink: Ruby red grapefruit juice

Favorite city: New York

Dream vacation: At home sleeping until noon.

Three items you could not live without: TV, dishwasher and toaster

Pets and their names/species: Puff-Puff/dog, Scooter/dog and Sinbad/bird

Greatest achievement to date: The natural birth of my three children.

Birthday: December 23

Each Wednesday, The Daily Campus will feature two faculty, staff or students in Pony Profiles. If you would like to suggest anyone to be featured in Pony Profiles, please e-mail their name and contact information to [email protected].

Pony Profiles

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