Ed Board has one thing to say to all those people that think Umphrey Lee has no redeeming qualities.
Last night’s “RFOC Road Trip” was the most entertaining college dining experience any of us are likely to experience in our lifetimes.
There were Gokarts, PlayStation2 gaming and slot car racing. Dining services holds a themed dining night every semester, but this was totally better than anything that’s been held in years past.
Ed Board apologizes for all the disparaging comments we have made in the past. Last night’s dining extravaganza more than makes up for any shortcomings.
We would like to see at least one of the cafeterias open over spring break, but we understand that that would cost money, and we’re more anti-spending money than we are pro cafeteria open over spring break.
Congratulations Dining Services Advisory Board, Ed Board hopes these theme nights continue to be awesome, but we would like to see them happen more than once a year if that is at all possible.
Dining Services wasn’t the only group that was on the ball this week. The new brick pathway across from Umphrey Lee put in this week was long overdue, but Ed Board is most assuredly pleased that it’s now there.
We’ve been complaining about the mud and water puddles near Virginia Snider for years now, and this brick walkway is the answer to our prayers.
Perhaps the administration has been reading The Daily Campus?
Maybe not. In any case, we have fewer things to complain about and more things to be happy about. Which is nice, especially right before Spring Break.
When good things happen before breaks, it makes students feel less like they are fleeing from some horrible nightmare that they have to spend four years in. It also makes them feel better about coming back from their families, or in many cases, Senor Frog’s.
The school will be doing further renovations over spring break, so if you don’t recognize the campus when you come back, it’s not because you’re hallucinating or because you’ve destroyed a majority of your brain cells with alcohol.
One final note, Ed Board hopes everyone has a great spring break, and if you drink do so in a semi-responsible manner.