The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,


I am greatly concerned by the recent editorials and online comments about the “Phantom Prof.” While I appreciate that The Daily Campus is a forum for people to express their problems with our school, I do not think it is appropriate for professors or members of the staff to use the DC or any other public forum as a way of expressing their disgust at SMU’s students. If you are employed by SMU, it is because you want to be here. Nobody is MAKING you work for our great university. It is unprofessional and honestly irritating to hear or read professors mocking students’ attire, cars and intellect. SMU students dress nicely and drive expensive cars because those are often the students that can afford expensive educations in an expensive city. We are also only as smart as you (or the admission department) make us.

To the faculty and staff of SMU that continually indicate their dissatisfaction with the students, I ask you to silently endure us or learn to love us. Alternatively, you can cheerfully educate us and help sculpt us into the adults you would be proud to say you educated. Web sites like “The Phantom Prof” should not be complimented — staff members posting their online approval (without leaving their last name or SMU e-mail addresses!) are childish.

Cristin Lavelle

Perth, Australia

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