The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Handbook changes

Several proposed changes to the Student Code of Conduct were addressed in yesterday’s Student Senate meeting. The process of changing the Student Code of Conduct is a long one.

Initially, anyone can submit changes to the secretary of the student body (currently Gabe Travers), an assigned duty of the position. All proposed changes must be submitted before a set deadline. The code recommendations are then sent to the Student Senate Code Committee for review. The committee then makes a recommendation to the Student Senate.

Then, Senate reviews the recommendations. After review, recommendations are sent to Dean of Student Life Dee Siscoe. Next, according to Student Body President Chip Hiemenz, “She looks them over and writes in her suggestions and issues she has with the changes.” A proposal from Siscoe is sent back to the secretary. Siscoe’s recommendations are presented to the Senate which can then decide to accept or refuse the recommendations.

After Senate’s first go round with the recommendations, they are sent to Vice President of Student Affairs Jim Caswell and Carol Weber from the Department of Legal Affairs. They go through the same process as Siscoe — making notes and suggestions. Notes are then sent back to the Student Senate.

Once Caswell and Weber’s notes are sent back, the Senate votes on all the changes Caswell and Weber made.

After the Senate’s vote the code is onto University President R. Gerlad Turner for final approval. If a change is approved by the president, the change becomes official in the Student Code of Conduct.

“He’s the only one who can change the Student Code of Conduct,” Hiemenz said.

Yesterday, the Senate reviewed changes suggested by Caswell and Weber. The first proposed change was to section 3.5 regarding dishonesty. An addition to the rule on dishonesty was proposed to include equipment used to make “counterfeit documents” such as fake identification cards.

Senate’s initial recommendation was to include “the production of counterfeit documents” as part of the rule. Caswell and Weber suggested to add “possession of the equipment to produce or production of counterfeit documents” as dishonesty.

Several senators opposed to the wording and generality of the suggestion.

“I’m not a big fan of the language,” Law Senator Ryan Wolcott said. “That means if you own a computer, you’re dishonest.”

“Is there any way to narrow the definition of equipment.”

After approximately 20 minutes of debate, it was decided to add the following to the definition of dishonesty: “… intent to produce counterfeit documents, possession of the equipment with the intent to producing counterfeit documents, production.”

A change was also addressed regarding section 3.1(a) under alcohol. Senate approved the change of the word “unlawful” to “illegal” and added “against University policy” to follow “in the state of Texas.”

Under section 3.15 regarding hazing, the Senate approved addition of, “being hazed, and/or failing to report hazing incidents,” as a punishable offense.

“What the exact consequence would be would depend on the situation,” Siscoe said.

In section 3.30(a) regarding weapons, Senate initially moved to strike the word “dangerous” to describe weapons. It was decided that doing so was not necessary after some debate and the word “dangerous” will remain as an adjective of weapon.

Section 3.24(d)(2) also warranted a wording change from Senate after a long debate. It was decided that the word “consent” should be changed to “approval.”


During officer reports, Hiemenz advised the Senate about the upcoming debate over the proposed Strong Mayor Initiative. The event, held at SMU, will feature Laura Miller and Beth Ann Blackwood debating on the same side of an issue for the first time. The debate is set for next Thursday, April 14.

Student Activities Director Arlene Manthey enlightened Senate on a plethora of upcoming events including the first-year survey, the student handbook cover design competition, the need for graduation ushers, a dedication at the Dedman Center on April 27 and the Awards Extravaganza on April 25.

In old business, Senate approved a bill to fund College Hispanic-American Students (CHAS) with $150 for an education trip to Austin, Tex. On the trip, members of the organization will meet with Rafael Anchia, an SMU alumnus and current state representative.

Next week, students will debate a resolution encouraging the university to make university venues and catering services more affordable to student organizations and a bill to fund $5,500 for Katie Koestner, a nationally renowned speaker and a victim of rape.

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