For those of you who didn’t travel through the North quad yesterday afternoon, you missed an exciting sight. Namely a “bounce house” or “moonwalk” in front of Mary Hay.
That was there in light of the fine arts community’s “FAC Attack”, commonly referred to as resident appreciation week.
The moonwalk marked the close of FAC Attack, but it was almost certainly the most appreciated event of the week. Other events from FAC Attack included karaoke, movie trivia games, an Easter Egg hunt and the enigmatic game referred to as “Art Ball”.
Ed Board believes that something of this sort should be held on a campus-wide scale.
Oh wait, there is something. It’s called “The Mane Event” and it’s held every spring.
This spring Mane Event is on April 28, and it’s sure to be great.
There’s only one problem with Mane Event though, and that is that it only lasts for one day. With the number of people as we have on campus, it makes getting a turnout at a specific event difficult.
There is also the problem that it’s mostly event-oriented. The exciting part of a moonwalk is that the people in it can do whatever they want, whether it be wrestling, jumping or just chilling out.
Mane Event last semester had several cool, air-filled events, like gladiator fighting, an obstacle course and of course, a mechanical bull.
Even better, it’s just before finals, and everybody needs some stress relief then.
However, there are those of us that need stress relief every month, or even every week. Is there any way that the new Dedman expansion can contain a trampoline?
Probably not, but we’re willing to settle for a one-weekend-a-month moonwalk rental, anything less than that is cruel and unusual punishment.
In any case, we have Mane Event to look forward to next month, Ed Board is more than a little excited.
So mark your calendars, Mane Event is April 28. Don’t worry though, Ed Board is sure to remind you again as the event draws closer.