The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Solo performer Taylor Mac is ‘charming, honest’ on stage

Taylor Mac
Taylor Mac

Taylor Mac (Reuters )

Taylor Mac warrants no comparisons and he asks his audiences to avoid making them. A self-proclaimed “subversive jukebox musical,” he casts a spell over his audiences with politics, Mylar and an element of surprise.

His current show, “The Be(a)st of Taylor Mac,” runs at the Undermain theatre in Dallas through Feb. 13, but he needs a good-sized crowd in order to perform. He is considered a solo performance artist, and he declares that each show is different and therefore the audience should never feel cheated.

Each night he wears a different costume — oh wait, each song he wears a different costume. He not only changes on stage in front of y (don’t worry, nothing scandalous), he threatens to pull any “chatty cattys” on stage and dress them up as well.

He performs the show in what he calls finery and many others just call drag. But this should not keep you away.

Mac may be one of the most charming, honest performers on stage. The manner in which he addresses the audience and the subject matter that he is willing to discuss in his monologues and songs, make him simultaneously heart wrenching and irresistible (or wait, is that the glitter?).

Although some of his overtly sexual subjects may cause a slight twinge of discomfort, there was not a single uneasy moment that went unjustified with the revelation that followed.
In an interview with Dallas Morning News Mac said, “My intent is to remind the audience of their humanity.”

In the final moment of the show, Mac breaks out of the ‘bubble’ that he has marked on the floor with tape and remained in throughout the entire 90-minute show.

The entire performance is a reminder that everyone needs to break out of their bubbles and embrace the world, if only for one memorable night with a queen and a whole lot of glitter.

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