Behrens, seated, with his staff at the Career Center.
The Hegi Family Career Development Center has undergone a makeover. The career center, located on the first floor of the Hughes-Trigg Student Center, has a new director – Troy Behrens.
As the new executive director, Behrens is setting goals and strategies to help SMU students succeed after graduation. The Chicago native came to SMU from the Siemens company where he was the director of global student employment. Beherens called it a feel good job where he gave students the skills to be successful.
At SMU Behrens is currently promoting today’s Fall Recruiting Expo. The internship/job fair will be held in the Hughes-Trigg ballroom beginning at noon and ending at 4 p.m.
There will be 92 companies at the expo including IBM, Teach For America, Raytheon, T-Mobile and Hilton.
“We’ve never had so many companies sign up so early,” said Events Coordinator Pam Jordan. This is the first year there has been a waiting list she added.
It is important to attend the expo prepared, said Behrens. The staff at the career center is expecting a large turnout and long lines. “If you have a targeted approach on who you’d like to meet and talk to, it will save everyone a lot of time,” said Behrens.
The event is geared toward all majors. According to Behrens 32 percent of the companies in attendance are looking for students of any major. “You don’t have to be a business major to get a great job,” said Behrens.
Assistant Director of the career center, Marva McGrew, emphasized that in the past the perception was that the expo was for business majors only, but that it is not correct, “we must dispel that myth,” said McGrew.
McGrew added that the career center is reaching out to more companies who are looking for well-rounded students and SMU has a lot to offer in all areas.
Behrens brings new, positive visions to the career center and has specific goals in mind. The general goal is to make the career center on the SMU campus a world-class operation, said Behrens, “We want to match the world class education here with world class organizations and careers.” Behrens is pushing for nothing less than high quality from the office and specifically its career counselors.
Behrens is also helping the center on remodeling the Web site, which will serve as a student resource and will be accessible 24/7. The Web site will provide all the services in the center. It will also include networking opportunities with alumni and access to workshops. The idea is – if a student is unable to attend a workshop at the career center it will be self-accessible/taught on the Web site.
According to the new director the biggest obstacle the career center faces is its change in leadership and ideas. Behrens wants to make the transition as smooth as possible. Behrens said he is looking to adjust what is not working and maintain what is.
A new employers relations team is among other changes to the career center. The team provides more intensive outreach methods to companies and organizations around Dallas and the country. “We need to go out and get those companies and bring them here,” said Behrens.
Another goal Behrens is striving to achieve has to do with international internships. The career center is looking to emulate other universities in this department and hopefully bring some of their success to SMU.
McGrew called Behrens a structured individual, “which is something we really need.” The assistant director added Behrens has a vision for the future of the center and everyone is excited about the things he brings to the table. “We think he’s going to be fabulous,” said McGrew.
For more information about the career center or today’s expo log on to smu.edu/career/index.html.