The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Pony profiles

 Pony profiles
Pony profiles

Pony profiles

Name: Taylor Donovan Russ

Title: Count and also Student Senate Finance Chair or Student Body Vice President Elect

Birthday: January 4, 1985

Hometown: Los Angeles

Number of years at SMU: Two

Favorite thing about SMU: Greek life

One thing you would change about SMU: Boulevard Days

Most embarrassing moment: On my first trip to NYC, in a state of confusion I got lost in NYC and ended up in New Jersey

Three people you would like to have dinner with: Robertson Howard, Julian Edward Wood and James Benjamin Sclater, Jr.

Hobbies: Pi Kappa Alpha(it is more than a hobby), intramural basketball, surfing and Student Senate

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Best childhood memory: My first time surfing in Hawaii. I fell off the board and hit a patch of coral.

Favorite movie: “Cocoon” 1 and 2

Favorite book: The Tipping Point

Favorite athlete: Slava Medvedenko (He plays approximately 7.7 minutes per game for the Lakers)

Favorite food: Penne Chicken Pasta with Spicy Arrabiatta sauce and roasted garlic

Favorite song: “Imagine” by John Lennon

Favorite quote: “Respect is demanded and deserved only by those who give it with equal consent”— Unknown

Favorite sports team: Los Angeles Lakers

Favorite city: New York City

Person who has influenced you the most: My Dad. He is an ER doc and always imparts his good advice to me.

One game show you would like to participate in: “Distraction”

Dream Car: The Hoopity a.k.a the HOOP

Three items you could not live without: cell phone, computer, toothbrush?

Pets and their names/species: Toby—Jack Russell Terrier—he is a feisty little one.

Name: Thomas Drew Washington

Title: Currently a First-Year Senator and Student Body Secretary for next year

Hometown: Dothan, Ala.

Favorite thing about SMU: The unbelievable amount of amazing people

Your most embarrassing moment: Tripping while walking up the stairs in Hughes-Trigg and dropping my papers everywhere in front of a couple of girls who were walking by

Favorite movie: “John Q”

Favorite book: “Romans”

Favorite athlete: Allen Iverson

Favorite food: Shrimp

One piece of advice for SMU students: Take advantage of the many opportunities that SMU provides and do not take them for granted because we are all truly blessed

Three people you would like to have dinner with: Chane Waldron, Pavielle Chriss and Emily Graham

Hobbies: Meaningful conversation, reading, traveling, soccer, working out, dancing, procrastination, learning, eating, and enjoying the beauty of nature

Fondest childhood memory: The scarce but precious moments when my entire family spent time together

Favorite song: “Your Smiling Face” – James Taylor

Favorite quote: “Preach the gospel; use words if necessary!”

Person who has influenced you the most: Jesus

One thing you would change about SMU: Increase the number of African-Americans

Dream job: Simultaneously practice Law, teach Sunday school, and teach in Higher Education

Favorite drink: Orange Juice

Favorite city: Haleakala, Hawaii

Dream vacation: Travel the world with a special friend

Three items you could not live without: God, Family and Friends

Pets and their names/species: Buddy and Rascal – black labs and Ty Baby – pocket tea cup poodle

Greatest achievement to date: Hunt Scholarship to SMU

Birthday: April 12, 1986

Today and tomorrow, Pony Profiles is featuring the newly elected student body officers and the senior class president. If you would like to nominate someone to be featured in Pony Profiles, please e-mail their name and e-mail address to [email protected].

Pony profiles

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