Embarking on my last days as a SMU Mustang, I find myself truly blessed and fortunate to be a part of a supportive community. I did not start my first two college years at SMU but my final two years at SMU have been filled with nothing but love and support.
I would like to thank the entire Meadows staff, especially my professors in the journalism division. It’s an honor and privilege being taught by journalists who reported on stories I saw happening on TV. Whenever I talk to my family, I love bragging about what my professors reported on, who they met, and where they have been. The fact that you all truly love your job really shows and I hope to live up to what you all have accomplished.
Thank you to all the journalism professors and staff for your unwavering love and support. You all helped me finish the race and encourages me to excel in my future. I also want to thank the SMU staff that works in Hughes-Trigg and janitors. Asking me how me how my day was and slipping in encouraging words made my day just that special. During my time here, I have realized the simplicity of life is what makes all the difference.
Next to my DC family: starting off at the Daily Campus, I admit I was a little skeptical but I knew as the appointed sports editor the job had to be done. I want to thank the entire Daily Campus staff for giving me a semester full of memories I will never forget.
Daily Campus staff, we’ve had hard times, fun times and adrenaline filled nights. You all will always be my second family. It will honestly be hard on Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays knowing that I will no longer be at budget and laying out the paper at the wee hours of the night. First starting out, I knew in my heart and mind there would be a conflict merger between the Daily Campus and Daily Mustang, but now I’m more than certain it was for the best. All of us knew we had a mission and we stuck to our guns to get it done while listening to my array of music.
This semester I hired a new breed of eager sports journalists. Very few had experience but the passion and drive in their eyes persuaded me to hire them. Starting off in the journalism field, I knew I had no experience but someone took a chance on me. I want to thank The Daily Campus sports writers for making my job fun and exciting to come to. Your ideas, promptness and swag will not be forgotten. You all set the bar for next year’s writers and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
I want to dedicate this to my Grandfather. You are my life, my strength. My future husband has a big shoe to fill. Throughout my life your help and support was never questioned. Even though I did not have my real father in my life, you stepped up to the plate. I never wondered who my father was, because I thought it was natural to have my grandfather there. Thank you for not only being a God fearing man but a friend I can always talk to. I honestly can’t imagine life without you. This graduation is dedicated to you. When you were diagnosed with lung cancer earlier this year, I knew it was time to buckle up and graduate as soon as possible. I do not want to go to the ceremony without you because I know how proud you are.
I also want to thank my grandmother; no one would’ve ever thought you were my blood grandmother. You have always been there from picking me up from school to taking my girlfriends and I out for lunch. Your good cooking and words of wisdom in the mail made my college career go by so much faster. I love you and thank you both.
And to my brother, even though I wasn’t as athletic as you, I wanted to live through you. Thank you for instilling all of your sports knowledge into me. You are the reason I am where I am now and why I have such a strong passion for sports. Thank you for everything and I am so happy for your success!
Lastly, this is dedicated to my mother. I want to thank you for your unconditional love and support. There were plenty of times you gave your last to me. I am forever grateful and I hope to pay you back double in what you have done for me. You are the true definition of a strong, confident and independent woman. Words cannot amount to how grateful I am to have you in my life.
Again, thank you to all of the SMU community, my family and friends. I wish The Daily Campus the best of luck next semester.
Pony Up!
E’Lyn Taylor is a graduating senior majoring in journalism with a minor in sports management. She can be reached for comment at ejtaylor@smu.edu