The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Letters to the editor

Men’s soccer deservessupport


To the Editor:

Homecoming: a rowdy and exuberant display of spirit andaffection by Mustang fans for Mustangs athletics. In this case, wefind exhibit A: a Mustang football team, sadly still seeking itssecond win for the season, with only three more games left in itsregular season. Breaks my heart.

With no foreshadowing of an invitation to the WAC championshipfootball tournament, Mustang fans are forced to look elsewhere forthe visual and emotional athletic venue fulfillment they have beensearching for since August. We find exhibit B: a number-threenationally ranked men’s soccer team, with a 8-0 undefeatedconference record and a MVC regular-season title for the fourthyear in a row.

American football is the game of the south, but it is time thatSMU’s athletic supporters take note. There is another kind offootball that is demanding our attention, and it has been allfall.

The SMU men’s soccer team deserves our respect andsupport, not only for their athletic accomplishments thus far, butalso for never giving up on the spirit of SMU Athletics and thefare-weathered fans that come with it. I know this because, untilnow, I too am guilty of not taking advantage of the athleticprowess featured weekly by our men’s soccer team.

This is my sole attempt to make up for lost time, for lack of abetter word, while thanking them for their constant perseverancedespite their lack of support by the SMU community. As a regularreader of The Daily Campus, I am reaching out to the SMUcommunity with a challenge. This is a call to all athleticsupporters alike. It is our responsibility as members of the SMUathletic community to take advantage of this given opportunity.

Time is well overdue for us to step up and start supporting ournationally ranked men’s soccer team in its quest for thegold.

I hope to see you at the football game Saturday as we root onthe Mustangs to its second victory. But more so, I hope to see youat Friday night’s soccer game when our men host number-eightranked Vanderbilt in its first MVC tournament play-in game.It’s homecoming. As we look to “Red Out Tulsa,”let us strive to “Red Out” Vanderbilt too.


Fristen Sudela

Senior journalism major



Student Foundation does itsbest


To the Editor:

You’ve got to be kidding me. Another negative article fromthe Ed Board. Who would’ve thought? First of all, attendenceto homecoming events are not mandatory.

What tangible object are you suggesting organizations get forsupporting the school? Being recognized as the winner isn’tenough? The school doesn’t insist on spirit points, they area fun way for organizations to compete while encouraging them toparticipate in events that Student Foundation has been planning forall year.

The theme “Destination Dallas” was decided by theAlumni Association, and Student Foundation has worked to do itsbest with the theme it was given. I’m sure the AlumniAssociation realizes that we are already in Dallas, that isridiculous to even suggest they don’t. And the”KY-Jelly” comment was totally unnecessary.

People worked really hard and devoted a lot of time todecorating, and there was no need to say that the stoplight servesno purpose. Someone spent time thinking that a spotlight would be aneat way of tying in roads, signs, etc. That was a low blow tocomment on someone’s hardwork.

In the future, I suggest that Ed Board strives to boosts schoolspirit and appreciate all the hard work that has been put intohomecoming by Student Foundation’s Homecoming Committee. Youfailed to mention all the positive changes that have been made thisyear.


Jordan Parker

Homecoming Candidate’s Coordinator



Disheartening ‘Live’attendence


To the Editor:

I would like to express my disappointment in the student bodyattendance at the homecoming event this week, “Live from theHilltop.” On Wednesday night, a handful of students came outto support the homecoming candidates, listen to up-and-coming bandIngram Hill and feast on free fajitas. Attendees could even pay $5to throw a pie in the face of any homecoming candidate to benefitMustang Marathon.

Now, the only reason that comes to mind for this lack ofparticipation is the cold weather. Has a chilly night ever stoppedan SMU student from walking around at night in skimpy clothinggoing to parties?

I think that the lack of interest in the event is justdisheartening. Perhaps it’s because I’m a homecomingqueen candidate, but why wouldn’t students want to supporttheir organizations and the people they selected to representthem?

I can only hope that the SMU student body will show more supportand school spirit at Saturday’s homecoming parade andfootball game.


Brett Warner

Senior journalism major



Get to know the issues


To the Editor:

The presidential election rolls around just every four years.But election year is always a year filled with candidatescampaigning hard. Each candidate has one goal in mind: to win asmany votes as possible.

While we try to figure out to whom we will give our vote, themedia spins bombard us from every angle.

While media has made the presidential election incrediblyaccessible to citizens, it has the power to sway voters. It is nextto impossible for any media source to be completely objective.

Parents, friends, professors and the media all influence votersand put spin on issues. So who is really making the decision when”young voters” head to the polls?

It’s hard to say. Yesterday, I was applauded for my”independent decision making” by a friend. She saidthat she was impressed I really considered the issues regarding theelection rather than just following in the footsteps of my parentsor friends.

It was a nice compliment … but then I got to thinking:shouldn’t everyone’s vote be based on their opinionsand ideas rather than those of outside influences?

It’s easy for young and old voters to fall into the trapsthe media has set up all around us. Celebrities are out endorsingcandidates which causes people to second guess their own beliefsand values. Or people decide their vote solely based on whichcelebrity endorsed a candidate. Too often the focus is taken offthe candidate.

Young, first-time voters turn to their parents for politicalopinions. But much too often, young voters adopt the views andvalues of their parents without true consideration of theissues.

Candidates have the goal of winning our votes. But truly winningour votes requires spreading knowledge to the younger generation.We need a population of younger voters who are decisive, but whomake decisions independently.

Next time the election rolls around, as candidates set goals toget their name out and win votes, let us make a goal too. A goal toknow the issues, know who we are voting for and vote wisely basedon our own values and opinions rather than those of others.


Kelly Powers

Corporate communications and public relations and Englishmajor

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