The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


A new gathering

Students should accept invitation to join team after a game, win or lose

Dear SMU Athletic Department,

Ed Board would like to enthusiastically accept the invitation tojoin the football team and spirit squads on to the field at GeraldJ. Ford Stadium to sing “Varsity” afterSaturday’s game.

We just hope that the rest of the student body will RSVP aswell.

In the midst of a tough season, this invitation to us all is oneof the best ideas and least gimmick-like efforts to not onlyencourage people to come (and stay) at Mustang football games, and,at the same time, increase school spirit for a couple ofreasons.

For starters, you can throw as many T-shirts as you want, giveaway as much free Plucker’s as can humanly be consumed or”Punt, Pass and Chip” until basketball season (which,by the way, tips off Nov. 19). But nothing can substitute for trueSMU spirit or identifying with your alma mater. Inviting thestudent body to join their peers on the field for post-gamecelebration (we hope) or even defeat does nothing but help in thecontinuing effort to reach a level of high fan identification. EdBoard equates this newest idea along the same line with thefootball open house two days before the Texas Tech game: it is awelcome invitation to students to take part in their school andtake the team, the stadium and the experience of Mustang footballas their own.

Second, if people feel welcome to go onto the field, thereshould be no reason (again, we hope) for anyone to be thrown ontothe ground in a headlock by some Event Staff guy dressed like agiant highlighter, or worse, a police officer. While Ed Boardrealizes that these people were simply following orders, the meleethat ensued the win against San Jose State could have been handleda lot smoother. The addition of retractable goalposts will clearlyaid in the safety of post-game festivities.

Every year, there seems to be a whirlwind of ideas that claim tobe “the newest tradition at SMU.” While Ed Board hasalways been under the impression that traditions take time to buildand can’t simply be flashes in the pan (i.e. the many failedattempts at holding enthusiastic “pep rallies”), thisidea is a step in the right direction.

The singing of Varsity. “Pony Ears.” Peruna. TheBoulevard. All of these things are wonderful traditions that willundoubtedly continue. Hopefully, gathering on the field at the endof the game will soon be included in this list.

A win Saturday against Tulsa could really help out, fellas.

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