The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

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The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


The Skinny: Keep eyes peeled for Dallas ‘Bachelors’


My Monday evening schedule used to be: hit the gym, check e-mails, dinner for one and Sex and the City on demand. But the focus of my Monday nights changed dramatically mid-summer. I met Jeremy, a 30-year-old, real estate attorney, at Steel the other night. For those of you who watched ABC’s, “The Bachelorette,” you know exactly the guy I’m talking about. He was the second “Bachelorette” contestant I have met.

For the uninitiated, “The Bachelorette” is a painful reality program that millions of people watch. It chronicles DeAnna Pappas’ efforts to find the love of her life among a group of questionable men. A warning: Catch one episode and you will hit that DVR button like it’s your job. The best part of the show is, of course, the end when Pappas distributes roses to her keeps, and the losers leave empty-handed.


First Sighting: Chris

Where: Social House (or as my friends and I like to call it “Casa”)

The Skinny: I recognized that he was a “bachelor” right away. His name is Chris Bradshaw (medical sales). I also knew he didn’t receive a rose on the second episode of The Bachelorette. When I see someone I “know,” I usually take the opportunity to chat, but this was different because, well, I don’t actually know him. But we had already made some awkward eye contact.

I decided to work on my approach. Like the baseball challenge on the second episode of “The Bachelorette,” I decided to swing for the fences. I opened with, “So you got the boot on the Bachelorette this week.” Instead of getting mad, he just smiled-and ladies, in person, that smile is his best feature. Bradshaw thought I might like to know that he isn’t feeling sorry for himself because DeAnna was lame.

Second sighting: Jeremy

Where: Steel

The Skinny: Okay, let me start with the fact that I was drinking. I’d had a Cosmopolitan and a bottle of sake later, I decided it would be a good idea to use the restroom before we headed out. But leaving the bathroom, I caught a glance of someone at the bar and realized that leaving was out of the question. It was Jeremy-and he looks just like he does on television.

This time, I didn’t even hesitate. I walked straight over-more confident than ever having just added lip plump and more cheek. I introduced myself and told him I recognized him. In turn, the bachelor thought it would be cute to tell me he recognized me, as well. LIAR! At this point I’m like “ok smooth talker, lets get some things straight.” I told Jeremy he wasn’t allowed to be in public.

“Dinner at Steel buddy, bold move.” He smiled and laughed. I told him it’s not funny and he kept laughing. I was beginning to feel the connection right away! To America he was still on The Bachelorette. CAUGHT!

Trying to cheat the ABC contract, eh Jeremy. CHEATER! I also made it clear to the rose recipient and at the time, still-in-the-running bachelor, that I would be disappointed if he didn’t win. He didn’t seem to agree with me and I was more than ok with that reaction. After all, that means he’s not history, right?


So, I’ve met two of the four Dallas-based bachelors-so far. No plans to hit the Modern at this time, but if I do, I’ll surely run into Brian, the football coach. And little known fact, impromptu singer/dancer (and hard-to-understand-why-he-made-it-as-far-as-he-did-bachelor) Twilley also lives in Dallas.

Stay tuned.

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